Show BEfORE GRAND JURY flay l IndU imn U S Four Were b roro th the r f oral cra Jury Ie It n namely mely 1 O 0 HOward nu IU IUd The Tho three I credited In the tho marshals having drawn onlY s olee IQ go to show that lint they thoy are ure thia r ll of city or rho ho amount opposIte the oem of it fourth that hue ho a 11 al ml mileage lse As Ae a matter ot of ta is a I United 1 r II Staten lo at er Utah lie ft was bei the UIO JUl Jury yesterday Ind resumed IS belol Die testImony today todar I It Is sa ld that or bf the filed Cot fOI coal al laM I to Mr tr Howar It Is therefore that he In hi nl Impo wItness In Uw the jurys |