Show y A J X 17 PERHAPS LT IT MAY ort ivr A PO onca TOUN OUTA OUT A Nf THE NEW FIRM t r it will pay you you sten if ifft it should he n rn M I 1 C L A A M sa song we shig sin you may be without cost if it be it a sermon k be ben benefited ted without haying B f A box thrust cinder your noso 0 gifft rif r I 1 ilk ia ft our song and tale text of 0 our r sermon 14 that CV U k we are au t carry the best lini lines of 0 alf w y j c s U V ali i JL isa W V c YA y r f ILM A VON it AND THE SALOON SAMMY ours is a complete stock of our fall and winter stock of hoods T piotr 1 1 A cf f 04 T gans gang ladies and childrens woolen skirts J TIT f S ix 4 j in the county also a large line of general blankets robes and flannels 7 4 also a small i U 1 aci audr J lie mer merchandise chandise including a superior stock of line of ladies childrens heavy shoes at boots and shoe shoes jahr Jr hr e prices lower than the lowest those who c ff i r know us know we OU mean lv hat ha t cosow a sy evorg aw j tt ti the public can always expect calr and clean i WOOLEN GOODS AT COST T I 1 M goods ro p amr m the D 14 fo a J j these goods must be sold it if you are arc needing any of the articles named above VERNAL EXCHANGE come and see us and we will save you money always has on hand a terms positively cash MRS NANCY H AWS awls 1 r A 7 i r i IV hit foiw 4 N irr y cu UP S M t W i uw teeth extracted without pain permanent or temporary temp oary sets beta of teeth made to order 4 5 fit ht P puipui pu I 1 inui lua fatt to tt FOR 9 P A IS THE COUNTY I 1 we carry csery a fall line of aang burnad our aay y we paid caffi fo r oscr hw goods P andrare and are AND tj rj N now able to bosell sell b beds beads dds both serviced serviceable ser vicea ble 0 E Rj AJL H and ornamental for rocking chairs wy tj N 4 00 extension tables hay knives LJ a 0 X M R C b T 8 E express wagons cut nails 08 ff ap pp w 0 acl t L e cents f fuse 80 per ftp ft and will ofila at kv k veroa Vern T 41 r 4 T people will do well to call and examine our oar goods gt WILY sta 4 T t sT 3 57 I 1 I 1 f I 1 I 1 rr i before purchasing aing elsewhere 4 bvm W hv H v f Z 1 r calk I 1 s k vit more tea coffee co flee sugar tobacco cagara cigarettes J J HAIGHT 0 bladl candy cj ed 6 go ds 1 in matches abc atc es mince mince YZ T Z IL i v s y f sav sp w infect meat dry go s it n 0 ui in e T he dollart j avat a t hH ab ay aay ai aft li it A aczon 14 I 1 an town own and are closing out CAn urAGE and attended daya ight X WAY BELOW COST parlors horse home shoeing a sped specialty oty kain street next to glean alean and camps hoods woolen hosiery winter hats mirds feathers childrens over shoes att i firis aj 9 T V r iiii ni birj giving the hig highest est market price for 13 P produce and 5 per cc cent at disc discount I 1 i au fit for cash manufacturer of GLENN ENN AND CAMP nit ra SO bogel GeL 7 W ww W w a D OTTEEn PI LIVERY AND SALE BALE JAMES M BARKER 9 CA I 1 FJ T E R horses horse branded J S on left lef t thigh also 3 T on left zeco and js ign bange n e little brush creek roat poat awer Ai liley aa lintl nag t t county utah GROUSE ro a it bernou HEr IV nou 0 pot pait office mea addren L county count tah itah 1 |