Show THE ROAD TO THE MIES I 1 now that it begins to look as though ve nic could 1 if f we would haac a I 1 load oa d to 0 11 uie 11 e mines evemy one is kicken kick ln noto otere is any objection to the ro but thit that ome lome p people cople are au aid ti is to benel one else at their ex bense why not le leve pvc the ques tion alone ss to lo the loa dasto go ribier auar it engels the capy 7 evel eve v one olle do liis tit t most to build tile the loud load horn ali the eVal valley lill LO 10 the aie y mines milles aie we ve coplay to play dom in the wang manasr r and lose the toad road ve anve do ao 11 not ot believe ivel people would up auf OU the ques question tiou because the i oad load when it got got there could not go through 0 eve 4 door yard petitions and ami rmon busl si raile manees es have V e been ch ciliated circulated by sevell parties deloac signing them it would be wise for all to whom they are presented to study the matter and see whether when they do sign 0 it will benefit the valley generally or not we live in vernal but ve we are honest in savi saying i 13 we would tather lather any other point in tile the valley should get the road than biot to have one of all it looks like childs play for tho see the benefit of the load to cavil over wiles and the result will be that el 0 gi een river or cartor carter will get the road we can offer inducements to the mine owners in in good roads and i casona ale rates rate to fre frel freighters l i gaters be because calise they can load both ways and to the farmers because there will then be a cash m market arket for th ar produce pro duc lr t wi in theu think first fint of the general good and after that of our bi individual inter interests cats |