Show that road again i mr glenn returned from tile the 5 i and aid gave us the follows fol lown I 1 items are 6 four horse hors e teams th that at load every other r day for youngs springs and each team hauls three tons of ore aej all 1 I 1 average of 9 tons a day dav ae leaving tainy the anil mines this is hauled for 30 person ton or on dolla dollars r s P per r inthe bauh ing of 0 that ore JH had a d N ye ahe alie proposed y I 1 L roi roada adl I 1 more ethan or Ahan four times agnitch ore would be sentous sen sent tout out a dollars dolla rs a day 14 would be handled by the people of this county this is something we can cani 1161 afford to lose in plin figures figu reave we see biby A i thousands tho of dollars dollaris it a manth bonill leaving I 1 e a v ing tili alm cau county nty th that could be ema madeko deto benefit it ii wa ehly enterprise prise eague enough jato to build t S r f t tha Na troad froan the mines to 0 o the valley k we have not considered d the other mines oil oh iafe the would ship A tills 1 4 I 1 00 t A r w y i I 1 att way y and whose shipments in in it bearor two will amount to hundreds of oft thousands boust i t 4 ads oil 0 ii the nil miners hiers themselves area are in ill javor of the I 1 road and deigned t the 1 he petition present ed by mr 61 glenn eila and r nd dan donated 66 from froin 1 4 5 to 20 dollars apiece toward mr alexin is soon t to return to the mines mine |