Show TOWN V N TALK if f as dave bills ie lion on the re aib IN of freight rcck at price arico in decell Dece december nl cr 20 yards of calico at glenn camp j for ono one lar wa cited calves will pay cash at W R greeny greens farm big crowd at court to hear evidence on vie fie indian horse stealing case the finest ice fee ever put up in vernal is being be ing packed now at several of our bushi ass housea mr john mceachnie is putting up a buin building ing J 0 ft it is supposed lit ha will ube it for burjo ea harry lipple is in from island park and bays stock is looking rine on that tange range 0 the burton boye cattle are on gheen are in good condition but are rating the hed rathel short the annuity goods for ouray and uintah reservations are at price to the agen agencies im cipa mr white recently from provo is build building hig A neat little restaurant which will be opened by the nd of febuary I 1 i uncle joe dudley acknowledges lie he is a crank but saya he Is not as cranky as frank moore organ benent benefit the dance at the ehnke house monday bonday evening was well attended att endea and avrey ane seemed to enjoy themselves the proceed tf ii N ent to pay for the organ oran burt haight blacksmith from ouray agency it ia in toimi aud and brought two for the 11 Ar roosE from that place I 1 i Wanted Afre A fre h mikh cow iv exchange elchan for bla ba k of J haight at iaci bl J L hop davy dave ia johl doh 0 11 and will probably pro bally be L it r 6 tat bo tat with kv ith crutches craf ches by die middle of V eb ary upon inquiring of dr butler 1 as ais to ali the health or of the talley I 1 ley he says f thit that from froin a phy 7 stand point it is bistre distressingly ss iii gi y healthy ann Sunday we went to church for the first time in years and enjoyed J it very mu ch mr 31 I 1 spoke at some length and particularly advises the people t I 1 no not expect cry lhing they wished to come adil dinue gli rry after singing alid benediction all yee dismissed 8 4 11 1 1 r |