Show FORTY th best hall half of life is in front of the man mal of 40 if he be anything of a nian man the work lie will do will be done with the liand hand of it ni master I 1 as a s t er and not of a raw apprentice the trained intellect does doe not see aee men as s trees walking kIng but sea avrey thing dearly clearly and in ju juat A measure the te trained temper does not rush at work like a blind bull at it a haystack I 1 but advances with the calm calin and ordered pace 0 of concilus concio con cious ws power powe r and delibera deliberate te deter dc nuna tion to no min man is the world to 60 new and the future so fresh as to him who has spent the early years of his bis manhood in str striving i ving 0 to understand the deeper pr problems oblenis of science and life and who has made some headway toward comprehending them thein to him the commonest things are rare and woid wonderful erful both in them themselves selve s and as aa parts of a beautiful and intelligent whole such a thing aa staleness in life and its duties lie he cannot understand knowledge ii L always opening out boore him I 1 in n wider expanses and more inore commanding heights the nie pleasure of growing knowledge and increasing i ing t power er makes maker ever year of hi liis s life happier wid more holie hopeful ful than the last jow |