Show TO TUH HON JUDGE OF COUNTY UTAH we 1 the under undersigner undersigned signed citizens of I uintah mintah county comity utah Peti petition that you will cull call an extra hiou w of the th county court w of Clif itah county utah for the purpose ol 01 rc 6 U s i I 1 C UK building of bridges across ans A fork mil the of a nw new road 1 As i vUc t ni ti tn rw net act ion 10 n baty of 1 i 1 1 vc anve la 14 ri a hexhi 0 nill ou ilin hon comet itt HI the earliest ant that 4 yon 1 in imy av dw dc afir lil to t furulie exploit our ant we keiu 11 cuu 11 your atten attention flon to se echal awal ec ral facts whereby I 1 juda 1 I thal rise bubli te lally suid count county 1 pArticular Iv W will ill be firt ne that mir Toll k amr will braot the itte I 1 u of road fokd at on ill jhc half 0 9 section line running north from clip ani post office MCC brosin Cr osin the ashi ashley ley pork fork biltl a tadd iua ari huldg ige into imo su afu draw across brush bruh cheuk it ce jq t anc ile wo two brush creaks t to I 1 t he copper mair wid iud will wiil open abid road tor for public trivel travel in livit hyu i of building the two brides ac across acos os flu file ahlee V pork fork one on the road running north from j johnston 1111 ismons s pinning mill 12 urn um half mile WC west st of vernal pot poa offelo el und and aiu V borth on the section line 12 1 2 our otie half milo mile e cat of vernal vermil post ahe grant baciu t 10 alle allowed wed and at appropriations 41 made we petition that this thin change he by made aft aff to I 1 the best of our knowledge 1 aid judge judgement jud 0 gement went wo we believe that the value placed on the one route Ina named ined viz inott north h from vernal pot office to the copper mines j will re result ailt in moie henc tits to uintah Cloi county niti t la in every every dav wiy than will arise 1 in i n the buildt building ng of t the t tu N 0 bridges named hereinbefore the ilie advantages which will be derived from froin the opening and building of this new rod from vernal verna ll 11 post to t the cop coppet 1 wr on the route mw and the building buil dlug of the bridge bierc hereinbefore i described are various and it would be impossible to name all of them thein but we will respectfully call your attention I 1 to a few of the ino most A prominent inept bene fits to be bc derived from the building of said road and bridge every farmer freighter merchant cliant mechanic 11 city resident in fact every one I 1 raiding south of ashley ash ley fork must have wood poles polea for fencing timber for building lumber etc etc and audit it is in known that tle the mountains gains on the routen aimed have the best building ing timber poles for fencing Z and is saw aw timber I 1 I 1 of any location in this vicin vicinity ity r aa the route from vernal post ost office as aa hereinbefore described is ig only 20 twenty miles to good timber on any other route the dia tila tance m L from 2 25 5 twenty five y to 35 34 thirty five emilei miles therefore thi route would I 1 e of great benefit to ever every y resi derit south ol 01 the achley ashlea fork enabling them to gel thil timber bel for ulf hit purpose pur posts ai aluch less also this ne new nea A rod road will open a new ti a d very exta extensive market tit at the copper n ane 1 ne for all kinds of iro produce duee misad in ois HUM vaclev tad and ut at amut prices pricer s uie me 4 0 o enhance ther the value balut of real 7 it it wast 1 pur per cent aud quite likely orte one hundred owr tr t r cent atao at tho pre there i 4 upwards upward 4 of f forty forta thoi ind dollars toraji vo raji of ore now in the bins mr waiting alting antt and L 2 athla new road read Is opened at once the we ore 1 wil I I 1 be relight ir d to price by the vicy ay of vernal ulab NN aich la ia a pr unal route and andean can be used at all seasons of bf the I 1 ecat car abid if thy the ore can be though thia 1 galley ji ey un on the route rout mentioned it A ill open still anol er market tor produce rained balod in this valley and enable the freight trA erti to feed their i iwais eairs ut kl a ran ranch ch lees is e isen 8 than cun can poss possibly ably be done it ute the irv ahting aa done oyer oer wj tiny oihi r know n route rout 11 Fu further ither tho the major portion of thre these e freigh tore are I 1 tal e i dents dento of tula valley kind it if th they r can fl fright rit 0 er ihl soui p wiling their thear homce to and tiow clr ut 8 the money inthey ahat they capt will be t andl lit in hk valley 1 in the gen en eral noce of bivin find ana bopko good homes he alk abil it allt eq nm t taken ke ti t the e midjo pron 0 4 lefi in in othar town towa 4 thurby d ang n we uie wal Val valuation I 1 t tt 1 M l J ca f Z abid id pro rit br bf our oa of aint cant atin t V 1 j h airee a i tuond ito avith eaid ad courty Po lo urty tinty thal ibal it if tuey I 1 yi I 1 ui 01 oen en und and butte P 41 nl 4 1 oaid send ridge bridge W tio vinat tai 11 it to my ot the ht rou 6 toru egihl er e ihl aft adfur afur tr duie date to lo pt pe tho aulia riau 0 kt ft aw gui hita nira ar iw a doali dOt dol f li 0 1 46 clon to lo aid iu gullli hull pix li rod and ba tL tulili lili we ipacs P mn thy icv fel it n ayou mita 4 byoir ii ln if cwi iwi th ahm i hill li al i A A lai ui ritaa bunij giua |