Show INSTITUTE OF UINTAH UINTA 11 COUNTY i it has haa been decided that the teachers of uintah county will meet at mr pat fait car rolls mill near mt aft baldy of the uina uintah all range for the purpose of holding summer institute and examination the whole will occupy oc cupy four days commencing eom monday july 1891 the first two days will be spent in practical and theoretical exercises the program for which will he be given below the and will be tadeu up with the examination which will be mostly practical claar work euh EI teacher is expected to come prepared with at least two selections to he iven at at a concert during tile the session introductory remarks by Cou county sup phil String hain P W vernon literature languit langi lt it 1 i al calisthenics C P Vain druff penmanship in an i mana management gemei I 1 A ap N timothy geography ant ani music E R L woodward py cology Ill logy phy boloy V and school J phil rudy eudy elocution and enlie en et iilo h I 1 grani grammar J alma holdaway v primary arithmetic drawing and program iro oram E H doty U S history lu story and alid sp frank billings reading and M ting and hy heieie hyi 6 icae eie mias A rose reynolds reading nad dutle duties is of parents in regard to school miss aliss emma bingham Bin ghani spelling and penmanship mrs J alma holdaway primary inary read ing and school devices dev ice S irk jacobs history and hygiene geo adv da vis is current events ua p noble fi remington emington advancement of sell schools 4 S F school work will be discussed discus sod closing cloning A 1 remarks k by D P woodruff ave we cordially S invite sill gall interested in in education and all who benjoya a trimmer excursion W to 3 join us 11 S wi will tl fish hooks A S fry ing pa na n fis ile r J iphil Phi R EMy lad Y L Woodi yard J ahn holdaway Hold avay y committee phil county |