Show A CASE OF NEGLECT for several days there has been about 11 our streets a poor crippled creature who can call scarcely make himself understood t and L will who can all walk calil only with the greatest dim A ili f a V W A culty he is not afi it it aji k idiot although so 30 ganv bet rn in to to t thick I 1 d vik 1 hi hain ill I 1 bohe so he can follow 0 A t conversation and n subjects s ewt he is y ilk t s 4 t alv it t f familiar with Jie lie will not faildo und i LI 0 I 1 m t v ft du t 4 44 V 7 i T fw st gid a word r NV vve e have known him for 1 five I 1 pid lie is is now w aa helpless heiple f aka gs and wt A 4 I 1 t r i t 1 as aa then we have known hin him 1 in in the dead of winterton winter to lie out of door doom sk all beta i f i 7 a 1 V to and not as wa warmly nily dress dressed e d iii aa lie he r is toda today to da day y for dys days at a time lle he str straggles about the I 1 country getti getting hig shelter and I 1 bood food wherever people are kindly enough enoi ich t t 1 0 d disposed diB 11 posed 1 to help 1 and iy pity 1 him his case cafe i ay t ay iy 81 asid fr for hempst often suffer stiffer from froin cold f f t t f and hunger gunver and time and i 1 I 1 r 1 1 again aam we kave leave seen creatures wh who fa 0 call i y 4 t ri ta themselves men knock antoo the por poor fellow x x 44 A t tat 1 at down I 1 1 1 1 1011 ii alid before lie he could fully reg a i u wa ua feet kroyk him down again and laugh had perpetrated a joke mate i of having demonstrated to one person least that no more heartless creati exists than tile the something that is ia bo occasionally in ill tile the arii 9 0 of god this poor crea creatures tures turea f father ather is ia the 0 individual taxpayer tax payer in uintah count had his father been it a poor man t I 1 pr per iper authorities aties would have been beell aft ai hirn him years ago in righteous wrath at a would have li ive seen that the hoy boy was prope ly eared cared for und and if poa possible sible that lie li received medical treatment but we h know a hig big taxpayer tax payer ia hi a bad man inan tackle it does not do to question I 1 1 actions action so and besides it does not look heartless for the w crippled tippled and alin speechless son of a rich man tj ti won boni w n about in storm and shine it does for t poor mana offspring loftspring ofT spring gold gilds eve avei chii tiling ig men whose heart s sw whose eyes would brim with teara team of 8 row and whose tongues could d find language strong enough to express th indignation in dignitti ail were it your child or im ini my iny friends it cranky or medd biome to utter a word in a ease case of tt kind well this is ia what bhatt we think a we know scores of men and women chink and express tile the ame thing 1 I 1 th perhaps ps it was it intended tte ti go lt lib do dutli buthe A |