Show r FOUR FOURTH T T re LA ir yi aright and early the town ton was awakened 1 the iho booming of the patriotic anvil I 1 an b lement that evea before the fire eker bier seems t lift its voice voice in honor of birthday birt lay of its country the people T n afie country began to edme come in before t clock and by y ten the V st streets t presented ively appearance of bril brightly 9 itly 4 ased bonien phildren stid and spruced up ng ing men tool took the side sidewalk while the 1 I 1 sets ets were f filled w with ith I 1 teams and alid gallop gallo P horses borses promptly at 10 the mastics put in an appearance and it 3 the occasion of many a good laugh haugh PY by formed in and coming up nal mal street in in front of oar oe ce und gave three rousing cheers for az a during the ybor atop in n their perambulation we noticed many far ague caricatures caricature et negros negroes indians mon eta etc stanley ashton aishton and brother had the ithe finest equipage in the p pageant it I 1 way the ilie band wagon 0 which was it a largo fi eight wagon with double box and taking it along at a lively pace was a fine four in hand wain team two large horses in the lead a little white ox and a dim burro for wheelers wheeler 1 I the procession started from campbells campbell and took in the principle streets of the town the affair was a burbri aur tae for no interest whatever could be stirred up in the fourth mad had it not been farmr for mr J J haight it would have failed anti entirely rely he put out in time ahne money and an endless amount of work and great credit is ia due to him the foot races were interesting particularly the fre for all r race tee I 1 in i n which T jackson horny herny 4 harris and others took part jackson gave harris 20 feet the latter winning by A few inches foot races in which pro professionals fesal i donals enter would he be more 1 interesting i if one could only be sure each man ran hi his i ii best the barrt barrel 1 race was very exciting the winner coming out a head to the extent of a few feet and a I 1 tig hig scratch under tinder his hie eye A number of races we did not see because the men and boyl boyd i closed in about the track oblivious to everything but beir own pleasure thedorae The borse horae races were well attended but foursome for some reason known know only to a few the principle race did not rome come off according to program the saloons were open all day and the part of the day and in an unusual amount of business dont done to a great many the proper celebration el ule bration of the day J appeared to be to i ns fj fill up on the juice of the corn which ip i ce certainly impartial as aa it lays low without distinction the man who should know hotter better V than to indulge at too tto freely and the one who k know now nothing ele the dances at t night nigh were A great success both hala bing being C crowded crowd eid hy those chosie chief alm aim seemed to he be ty tv have I 1 a happy time th tile c 1 N day daay way was particularly aly fre from accident La and there was only one fight that wo know khow of in that instance i a third party I 1 in timo time to save one of the b belligerents ellige rents a li handsome whipping altogether our nat nations ions Birth birthday dav was waa most moist pleasantly and happily abent by all |