Show ATTENTION I 1 ATTENTION I 1 wo we have just opened at our new store A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED stock of GENERAL merchandise from the eastern market which we wish to dispose of as soon foon as possible on reasonable terms cill and examine at the new store opposite the U S subsistence storehouse west sido side of main street jno tf if CONRAD NEW GOODS VV W we have just received ed from california a LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF GENERAL merchandise consisting consi abug of dry goods groceries are arc tobacco clears 3 dye and a other artl clea es too numerous to mention tw to n clock store opposite godbeh drug store call and examine our nelv marlo irlo cw IF D CLIFT NEW GOODS NEW GOODSH GOODS I 1 have aist just received and have to ARRIVE IN A FEW DAYS A large and nd STOCK 1 0 OP F GENERAL merchandise which I 1 rt A ish to dispose or of as soon as possible call and examine ei amine and note tho the prices no trouble to show goods WM JENNINGS staines Need hams old store am ain st the highest prices pant paid for gold coin and gold dust Febri aw tr W jm ar R GRE GREAT AT SALT LARE LAKE AND E EAST AST EXPRESS LINE W IT 1 L commence running regular trips with good thorough braced i wagons april 1864 THROUGH IN SEVEN DAYS leave lave great silt salt lake city every via bannach 13 and nevada and arrive arria e at virginia city every tuesday leave virginia birgin la city every en cry tuesday via cevada and hannack city and arrive at great silt st lake city every monday passengers and express matter con colv eved A J OLIVER CO taos D BRON proprietors rie tors agent if ain st G S L city ms td OF REMOVAL kidgell begs leave to inform his friends and the public at largo large that ho he liaa has removed his jewelry to a more suitable store on alst 1st south ample street near E Cat libert blacksmithing L thop 1101 and opposite mr J claw clau sons ons le ico cream saloon and at t the he same time returns thanks lor for past favors and s solicits a continuance of their patronage both in mak mg ilig and repairing jewelry etc as ho he lus has c engaged a first rate watch vatch malier and by strict atten atlen tion to business bulum and good workmanship he hopes to give general satisfaction cill call and see him as lie he ex poets a largo stock ot of new goods to arrive soon 2 lin im PAXTON thornburgh E WHEATON virginia austin I 1 PAXTON 9 CO 0 X AUSTIN N T F draw on virginia sacramento marksville marysville Marys ville anil and snit sain mv buy drafts certificates of deposit county warrants anil and other oilier securities purchase bullion ballion and advancer on the samo for coinage at the stint mint receive deposits depositar make collections and transact a general banking business busine s tf 11 W t f CO virginia J austin ASSAY orifice OFFICE OP I 1 g ap A X r cac CO AUSTIN nevada territory gold and stiver silver bullion and 0 ores ea of every decryption milled and aw v ed returns made in bars or er corn coin we va guarantee the correctness of our assay assa s all bus busques lues entrusted to our care will be promptly and a accurately acu bately attea attended attend ded cil to a M ARMY PROPOSALS commissary department depart ent S A PROPOSALS FOR subsistence SUPPLIES S OFFICE G S 1 L city mar lit 1864 PROPOSALS will NN ill the be receded receive oil at the office of SEALED S theu he U S commissary ot of insistence S lor for the di strict brict ot of utah in this city until the day of M may y 1964 64 for furnishing tile the following named habsi tence storm stores viz 1st alst FRESH IT BEEF three hundred and twenty menty six thousand lesK less les of fresh beer beef kil killed and pounds moro more or dreszer in the usual manner necks shafts shanks and kid ney tallow excluded for the troops stationed at comp douglas ito to us be deli delivered cred at that place alico at such times and in such quantities as lie commanding officer may direct the delivery delav cry to commence on the first day of july 1864 and end on on the day of june 1805 1865 FLOUR five hundred and fifty thousand pounds more or less of A no 1 flour in good and substantial sacks containing lbs ibs each and subject to inspection to be delivered in such quantities and at such times as may be required the delivery to commence on tho the lit day of July 1864 and the whole to bo be delivered on or before the 1st ast day of january 1865 provided that not less than fifty thou thousand i a n d pounds snail be delivered during each of the months irom from july to december ISM inclusive axil POTATOES POTATOE S efto T 0 thousand thou 2 bushels bu hels of potatoes the delivery to commence on the IA day of july and the whole N hole to bf b delivered on or before th day of november 1864 the delivery t to 0 be mide made at the com coin W cm in great silt t lake city or at al camp douglas as aa the commissary mal mav direct SALT bair two hundred and fifty bushels of ano 1 fine boiled salt in sacks delit delivered ered on or before the 1st ast day of november 1864 at tile the Commiss irv warehouse Ware horse provided thit that at lest leist twenty five fhe 25 bushels bo be delivered dunne each of the months ot of july august and september S pt e aber 1864 salt sl lt and potatoes w N ill hl be estimated and bid for at the rato rate of sixty 60 0 pounds to the bushel 21 ads pai pa m mant c 1 1 t v vv ill b be epo mado 0 in such funds as the government ma may y lia hav e on hand for distribution good and sufficient bonds will bo be required for the fulfillment of the contract or contracts and the of sureties must accompany each cich bid contractors and sureties aill bo be required to take the oath of allegiance in all cases except thit that or of frh fresh beef bids will be entertained enter Lamed for furnishing the whole hole or a pirt part of the above named articles provid provided pr ovideo ruch puch pirt part shall not be less than fifty thousand M ihor pounds flour two to hundred and fifty bushels potatoes fifty 50 bushels of salt and each bid bg must state st ate specifically the artiel artices artic ls s and amount prop proposed oed to bo be deli delivered cred and the price the government reserves to itself the right to reject any or ill all bids bidders are invited to be ba present at the opening of the proposals at the office of the undersigner undersigned under signed at I 1 p M x I 1 on I 1 the day or of slay 1864 bids will 1 abe bo addred through post office or otherwise to capt chas II 11 II 11 nip stead C 8 great silt salt like lake city U 7 and endorsed indorsed indor sed proposals for beet beef 1 flour potatoes or silt S AS the caso cale may bo CHAS 11 II HEMPSTEAD capt C apt and commissary ot of subsistence district or of utah quartermasters department U S A proposals for fuel and forage ASSISTANT OFFICE great salt lake city U orl T march 2 1 SEALED PROPOSALS will bo be received anthi at this olace 0 n ext door to the post office mee until 12 1 I the day of 0 f may 1864 for furni thing hing the following follow I 1 supplies of quartermasters Q stores to be delivered at C camp imp doulas douglas V U T S in such quantities as required provided that ta two 0 thirds of oatlie the whole amount of each article required il ired shall be delin delivered ered by tho the day or of Da december cember 1864 and all to be delit delivered ered prior to june jane 1865 Wood four thousand 4 cords ilay hay two to thousand r 2000 00 0 J tons oats one hundred thousand T d bushels all the articles must be of the best quality and bidders will ill so specify in their bids also good and sufficient bonds will bo be required for the faithful performance or of tho the contracts and name names of sureties must accompany each bid bids will nill bo be received for furnishing tho the whole amount of each article required in one bid and bids also will be rece received ired for not le less than bushels of oats or tons of hay or 1000 cords of wood in any one ild old payment will bo be mado made in such funds as th the gov go ern ment may furnish contractors and sureties will bo be required to take the oath of allegiance the government reserves to itself the right to reject adv or all bids bidders aro are requested to bo be present at the ing of proposals at my office at 12 M x the day of may bids will ivill be addressed through the post office or others othern i ej to capt I 1 B stover Q quartermaster great silt S lit like T end and endorsed proposals for wood 1 11 ilay hay 11 or oats 0 its as aa the ciso caso may be D B STOVER capt and avalt asat bor district ff af utah california AND NEVADA volunteers south east of the cai alry airy quarters camp douglas meals at all licurs liours tours tween Tc bet vecia Rev lelle anil and tattoo bannack restaurant and eating house THE HF citizens of great salt lake city and the travel ing public are respectfully informed that the tha bannack restaurant and eating house situated on main street opposite the silt salt lake house Is now open and the proprietor tor is prepared to furnish board and lodging on rmon reasonable able terras terms tr TOS JOS n D BAYLISS HAIR CUTTING 9 SHAVING AND shampooing EJ 1 J CASANO HAS THE PLEASURE OF IN forming the public that he has fitted up and opened a neit neat and commodious SA galoot lOOt south sath of the cavalry quarters at camp douglas where he will attend to the wanta of 1 all l 0 o nr mar favor him b with pat patronage rge ATTENTION I 1 ATTENTION I 1 CITIZENS CITIZENS OF UTAH bring brin za in ill your Pr produce brodlie Odlie A A GILBERT next et door to the salt lake house C calls 1 special neni lion to his bis large and w ell S Bekc 0 1 teil t i STOCK OF DRY GOODS consisting of CO COTTON i WOOLEN WO OLEN AND MIXED D CALICOES SILKS DRILLINGS FLA uld and other STAPLES selected expressly for this markot also offers on reasonable terms GROCERIES GR 0 CERIES COFFEE CANDLES SOAP tic etc tic etc tic HARD HARDWARE BE CR CROCKERY 0 F etc tc etc etc on terms to suit OUR GOODS al ND TRY OUR niico xi h u lil highest glitt paid owl for ali A MIMI sm MAIN STREET GREAT SALT US DEX CITY UTAH TERRITORY now offer to the public ons one or of the best beat assorted Assort ti ri largest stock of dry goods groceries fancy and staple articles EVER EVE R BROUGHT TO THIS TERRITORY SELECTED WITH ESPECIAL gieff dietr TO 70 THIS MARKET 1 it jl 1 at rates bates to suit the times A full assortment of M e x oa axiL za 33 a ca afi L 0 0 1 lac including ludig fancy dress goods groceries ana Cro cutry 4 4 t and nil ia in fact everything desirable necessary r from needles up ap to cooking stoves aroa laces and silks to call calicas calicos Ca licos collars WOOLEN SEE 0 USA US A CALL AND J F 1 J Pj RICES Z aa 8 |