Show BY PACIFIC TELEGRAPH 0 especial SPECIAL TO THE DAILY UNION VEDETTE F foreign news PORTLAND march the king of denmark in his spoke strongly for vigorous perseverance 1 in his policy it is reported italy tendered forty thousand men and a fleet to england if she would assist denmark NEW YORK yom march latest per jura london ath military operations in schleswig Sch leswig c antin tied suspended the english minister escaped defeat last night on a mere party division in the house of commons by a majority of one only an auxiliary aux ilary depot for the use of the sanitary commission has been becu organized in london A statement denied NEW YORK march A washington special pronounces as untrue the statement that gen has gone to fortress monroe to change the arrangement for tile the exchange of prisoners gen butler wont be interfered with in the matter the fight at trinity the red river eiver expedition collision CAIRO march in the fight at trinity on the auca hita the iron clad hillman which was admiral porters flag ship was damaged considerably twenty seven iron iron dads are now lying at the mouth of red river biver ready for the coming expedition up that stream the ram avenger has also gone to join the fleet the gunboat cones taga with a full cargo of ammunition collided with the gen price and sunk on the letb near natchez the boat and cargo are arc a total loss from plymouth explosion of a hundred parrott gun FORT fourr MONROE march gunboat bombshell arrived from plymouth saturday and reports when C oming coming down chowan river the rebels opened on her from batteries on the banks rendering it impossible to proceed her commander sent to plymouth for assistance the gunboats gun boats southfield whitehead and aud massasoit have been dispatched to the scene with one hundred infantry on board gunboats Gun boats opened on the enemy and shelled them five hours when tile the rebels were d dispersed Is and the he river opened hundred parrott gun exploded on tie the smithfield wounding two men no other casualties on our vessels return of gen neade heads to the army headquarters HEAD QUARTERS army potomac 1 march gen meade returned to the army today to day his health seems excellent the report in regard to his resignation is said 44 to bo be without foundation J |