Show CAMP DOUGLAS shaving inq Shampoo mcf and haircutting hair cutting as 11 A 11 Ms 31 C 0 C 0 da JOHN OHN has the tha pleasure of announcing to t 0 the iho residents of gimp camp coughs and vicinity thit lie he lias has again opened his slit sim ing shampooing avd H hiir ir cutting S aloon and is now prepared to attend to the nants ants of all those who will ian baor or him with a mil call WANTED AY and wood at C im imp p douglas by H HAY ni tf WAT rna NOTICE OP OF REMOVAL KIDGELL begs leavo 0 to inform his mends and tile C i public at I aivge irge that lie ho has in his jc olry s to a more suitable store on at south street noir no ir E Cut liberth blacksmith ing shop and opposite mr J clau clan sons ilo cream saloon abdat and at tho the katno time returns thanks lor for put favors ind solicits a of their patronage patr pitron igo both in anil mg and repairing jewelry wat clies etc as lie ho lias has engaged a first rato rate watch makr maker lud nd by strict atten tion lion to business and good woi I 1 ho be hopes to give general satisfaction gill and see him ai a i lie hn vs ex a largo large stoil evAL of new goods goo la to arrivo wu swu 1 1 I 1 am in jl att r TI IRA tri T ri 11 J GREAT SALT LAKE C ITyl I 1 T Y I 1 IV in iger 11 irn 13 cotov stage manager josiv T cu cut CAIM T refry AND SAT BAT the versatile artest ai j I 1 MR IR L ani and MRS JIRS S 11 ll IRWIN appear ri ei ci y SATURDAY iivo EVENING nii 7 MARCH second night of the iho magnificent drama draina ri two aati IN or the av ar kulim the ma mysterious sf erious stranger assuming fix EIK characters um HRS S IRWI 4 COUN cou vr rhe hemar UR MR S 11 IRTH other by 31 sarg chenzie cK enzie S f fir getts D denb inhar ir af es wood maneno and abon and ilias 2161 alexander alexana r tho the performance perform anci nill ill conclude n with ith a ro a ring arins y arc re for full fall particulars particular tco see billi of day as door open at past rc ix curstin arism at self on oclo k box bot 0 alicc open 0 ian every ay adly for sale of tickets JAMES ORTI I 1 commission MERCHANT 08 STREET ET sait sail IF feancisco Fian x cisco cal rt particular attention given to purchases sos for utah r erss LIVERY SALE AND AD FEED STABLES SECOND SOUTH TEMPLE STREET GREAT SALT LAKE LAIM CITY 0 iRP BUGGIES AND SADDLE HORSES LET con on moderate terms I 1 horse and cattle market auction silas e every ery S saturday met mo coining ning ining at 10 attention lion agn given on to selling H irros anil and stock of all kinds purchasers and sellers a ill each aach consult their interest by calling on me 1 CORRAL accommodations on a liberal seals at my promises premises farmers Fir mors i ill find hero here coun stabling at reasonable reason alile rates a C I 1 1 a horses or mules ranched by tile tho month or year tf ir J FAUST NOTICE HERE will wil bo a meeting of the stockholders of tho the fibern avul videtto tto and copper mining cump Comp tuy nt at tha oth italico c 0 of tho tha tiry on ty 1 tho the inot I 1 at p r n r A full attendance is tol l at 11 0 PRATT S NOTICE OF occa five JORD JORDAN IN sit N fit mira co great silt like cita peb f f bordan ALL lr persons barchis mg of S ock in tho jordan sliver alining Com corapina Co piny are notified thai th they c y must pi besent their so ho cd to tho the so cretaro cret arv in order thit they may bo be cancelled and new neav certificates i sued issued instead by order of the bouril of tt ti usters am G IV W CARLETON scy SALT SALT A N no ono one arciclo of one fine boiled TA A 13 F 04 ill 1 ac put pitt up in S ICIS of all in good stylo style and at tho thi shortest notice also a superior quality without sacks farni furnished shed in any quantity on application to lin ail J 0 90 danl G S L cov MANURE FOR ALE arveral hundred loads of manuro for salo sale at ar S SEVERAL t cut fi civo 0 i cuts per load at camp dougl is U U T adiv t th thal vc t tra 1111 COAL NOTICE OTICE is hereby given that the tha und resigned Is A now N il d tu dolier at his mine on evit reboil web of 1 art rate of stone coil catl at tho the rate or of fi civo 0 5 3 dollars per ton I 1 this coal of ft a quality superior to any in tho the A atigo hi go portion of my ardc coal a 1 is 13 identical ident icil with tho the finious canall coti coil 0 orders r s aly be left eit cither lir at the mine or at the alo graph office G S L city ih oro IV CARLFTON NOTICE ir ruall rublee c are notified thit the checks for fop THE T ch dringo at my uro store ate only fur for circulation jt C imp douglas 1 circus aing my checks ou of amy douglas aro are notion d thit the they do so at their own rik ri k and thit I 1 will not be responsible for their acts comous ious holding din my cuck checks outside or C mi aro are to tilled that they will ill bo be redeemed 4 ou on at my store JOSEPH 11 II NEVITT post batler disso dissolution lution of partnership THE TC HE exi lating between go IV 7 Cir irle leton toti and william G il braith in the weber coal line is this any cl ay iy di liv bv mutual co cordent con rient all 1 el I urns against slid company N ill bo be settled li folgo W carleton hl having bought out the autu outu fontno I 1 tite reil la in said company Cinti pany G W cv C iiii T cro wv WN NOTICE domce froim FR MINING co I 1 griat gnat salt L alo cit rah ma tare HE stockholders ol of tho the joi boidan dan bilici bah 01 V U are hereby notified in I a 0 ll 11 n 5 of TN 0 dollies mil and fifty cents cent sa 0 per lir sli fahm 0 ft is ien levied led by tho th baird do ird ot of ti Tinte ei on oil the ib 16 1 11 iu ill t lit able on or beloro tho the first 1 d I ly of april apri 1864 1 11 1 ord i or of tio tin leml ral ta G IV CARLEI UbiL b 0 |