Show UNITED UNITE D STATES MAIL LINE E AST 13 BANNACK ANNACK CITY IDAHO TERRITORY E great through U S mail to east binnick will TH THE ae laue va e silt gilt like lake city t twice ice a 1 neck e every cry anil ana thu thursday raday morning tit nt 8 A M X in splendid four horse horsa troy co ichta vii via box elder cyclic cache valley settlements and ada springs tiona 5 days clays and 8 0 over or a portion of tho the route passengers passenger v will ill be ba con c d in troy coaches czichos coi chos and the bala bahamo iio or 0 the way in light g lit spring connections made at binnick bannack etith ith express to virgin virgina Virg inh ia nevada naiada and gallat gallatin I 1 a cities and the mining districts district 1 cast of the mountains I 1 ns every atten ion pud paid to passengers for Bann ackor intermediate joints application for paige or information may he be made to mr shrine salt lake house or to t the undersigned undersigner under signed south templo temple street first block west of tabernacle tf I 1 I 1 SMITH proprietor BF heruday Ho rUDAY I 1 W L H heafy new boik J G S L city HOLLADAY ISOL LAnAY HALSEY BANK BANKERS ERS at the office of the over ind stige st ige line great salt lale lake city will pay tho the highest rates tor for gold gola dust ana colu coin in currency or exchange WAGONS FOR SALE CHEAP TWENTY JACKSON AND AURORA skein wagons will ivill lie be told sold clieny apply to R A KEYES G S L lacity city april 12 1 64 tf salt lake house FOR SALE ive of stock in the jordan jiin silver or bining co fat rat at 3 per sharo share apply to EDWARD PINNING r tir quartermasters W ouRO aake f salt lako city K E WE are now prepared to blank mimcy deeds WE received a good tf t f to parties desiring them supply of piper we can till any order with which we may inay bo be favored for all tho the necessary blinks blanks or forms rean required 1 red by mining milling comp tu ios or others asro mcain st opposite town cock clock 0 8 L CHY C plotting pLO THING of all kinds made and repaired in the y highest stylo style of art particular attention paid to tho the manufacture ot of officers IN tiry uniform ant f I 1 co notice r liao hao tins this day associated vilh alth us m in ba business ancs W wn afes connot apiag and 0 ginz anz of sin san francisco cisco and aad the fit faim in will hereafter be styled norr 07 co instead of bro ns ai herc heretofore tolore DRO BRO S 1 L city april apri 1 fth 1804 ida office having been appointed by his excellency the governor of california Cili lornia a comini lioner of dods for the state slate of california I 1 am prepared to enter upon the i titles thereof at mv in ann 11 tin street great silt like lake city opposite wm win jennings store deeds 1 Tran transfers sArs pon boners ers of Attorn attorney ev and all other legal pa papers per s mado out on tho the shortest notice notice and on terms acknowledgements Acknowledge ments taken for any pirt part of tho united states abig tf if PATRICK LYNCH CITY y KESTA U HYDE proprietors W WE E would respectfully an announce to the citizens of S silt tit like cita and vicinity and particularly th tho c trai traveling cling public that is we a haz haic a just opened a first of clas a F 8 restaurant on liffin street It next door to the silt it lika L house where ue newl vill aldays bo be found reidy ready to ern 0 up meals at all hours in the best style and on the mou most re u 0 terms inra if SALE FEED STABLES sarf GREIT SALT LIKE L KE carr boeding THE Sab his hs complete comp letB accommodations for coding and stabling stock of all kinds carr cotral carral al accommodation on i liberal s scale cale on t the I 1 I 1 e pre premises inies it at Raso nible rates particular attention gin given on to the billine of stock ara t r II 11 J FAUST bannack restaurant and eating house citizen t 0 of f great grait silt like lake Cit city yand and the traveling ting THE lul ic P public u a are r e respectfully informed that tho the bannack restaurant and eating house situated on main street opposite the silt S lake hodap is now open and tho the proprietor I 1 is prepared to furnish board and lodging on reasonable terms jada tf TOS JOS D BAYLISS JAMES commission MERCHANT SOS BATTERY STREET san francisco Frait cisco cal drifts on silt like aake city utah territory 11 11 austin no adt territory particular attention gi given cn to purchases for utah IMMENSE I 1 BI DI E IV S E SACRIFICE r I 1 NEW MEW california GOODS FOR SALE AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CHEAP AND GOOD FOR COST AND it ct booy nave have just opened a splendid assortment of staple and fancy dry goods etc consisting of LADIES WOOLEN DRESSES SHAWLS SHAWL s OPERA FLANNELS ETC ETC ETC of af tho the latest and choicest patterns all kinds kinda of LINEN GOODS AND CALICOES LADIEW LADIES AND CHILDRENS CHILDREN SHOES I 1 FINOY FANCY LADIES GLOVES ETC california BLANKETS DOMESTIC AYD AND staple GOODS of acry variety aud and YANKEE NOTIONS too numerous humorous to mention and too splendid to adequately describe CALL AND SEE FOR yourselves V NU hi dr AC at jhc thc the yew vain alain street next to cron n clayt ond onri tf lf solm sol M fw aws ua ai tailor s second south timple st sl near fausta Pius ts livery GREAT SAIT CITY respectfully announce that they her leave lave on lid IHUK broad clot claths cloths is doe doc skins V fancy ancy Mais cilles and SHU vesting which they to mako make up to order on J terms we call particular attention to our stock 0 C pantaloon cri goods just fust received from the east aich abich aro are of the latfy styles and in quality superior to any ever boilore offered far sall in this city feeling thank thankful fuI for pact favors and confident la in A tr ability to cur and HAKE up aery variety of garments garm nt in the most fashionable and approved st stales les N 0 o ho hopa po by strict attention to business to merit a liberal shai 0 of 01 public patro patronage aLge clothing cleansed and repaired cuttina cottine done don to order ini 1 P FlIS IXER N MO 0 ston street is the only ageont for abo DAILY UMON in the city of S sin tn francisco all orders for left with him will ba bi prom promptly aptly attended to GRE GREAT AT SALT LAKE AND E EAST AST BANNACK EXPRESS LING LINE WILL commence running regular trips with good to thorough rugh brac braced d wagons ua lla 1864 THROUGH IN SEVEN DAYS kavc great silt lake city every wednesday via vl bannack and nevada andar andarino rno at virginia city ey eltiy ay iy leave virginia city every tuesday va via nevada ana bannack city and arri 0 at great silt sill S ill lako lake city ovary passengers and express matter con convened vered A J OLIVER CO taos D BROW proprietors agent 31 tin st G S L city ros nis tl td M U CLARK claric jo JNO W metot E CLI clarac olsons Ol cab ao 00 B A ast K R JE IR S great salt lake city DEALERS IX r COIN GOLD DUST and EXCHANGE MONEY RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT correan 0 ad with ith dank banh new york clai blaik k C co 0 lem emi arth carl co don denier er R kfir fr by to bank of commercio Com merco new boik v co 9 philadelphia POWERS POWE RS NEWMAN CO BANKERS AND DEALERS IN the highest price paid for coln col AD GOLD DUST officio in godbeh building a few doors below the salt alt lako lake rouse house eist street it 1 f E G virginia f bust austin ia PAXTON CO 13 A W IK AUSTIN N T on virginia Marys marksville marysville ville and san i buy D drifts abts certificates of deposit county warrants warrant and other securities purchase bullion and ad advance liance on tho the samo same for corn coin igo at the lilet lil rit receive D deposits posits make collections and tran transect ACt a genci at binding banking bu business sinco tf 11 W f CO I 1 virginia I 1 austin ASSAY OFFICE or OF T LZ ta arc 40 CO AUSTIN nevada territory gold and silver bullion and anderes dOres an bores of c cery cry melted aad assa cd returns mido made in mrs birs or coin COID wo we guarantee guar anteo the correctness of our s all bisin entrusted to our care will all bo be aptly and attended to k coi CO ASSA ASSAY Y 01 11 II IV AV 1 r for formesi forr meVI of nev nen york city ASSAYER AND ItE FINER I 1 jai lag ing an air ofeleo nt at camp douglas is lowre no now wre re 11 hn palati to mike make assa assac s or ores of every di on tho the sh ortist st notice nid on reason reasonably ablo terms hivia T h ul tit an experience ot of in rna years loth both in new yort and california ho he feels feel confident of givras giving of abc acc airia building eist east of the tha Cla cavalie alty dimp 5 imp douglas al california AND NEVADA volunteers southeast south east cast of the cavalry quarters camp Dougl te meals at all licurs liours bet ilat lelle idle anil tattoo ain anu lv ATT |