Show A HINT TO YOUNG LADIES axe etc do not know tile the author of these hints to young ladies but they are so good that we endorse them loveliness I 1 it is not your costly dress ladies your expensive shawl or gold laden fingel s men of good sense look far beyond these it is your character they study your decoit de p ait oit ment if you yon are ti fling and loose in your no matter if you ire are as beautiful as an angel anchel you have no attractions for them if it is the loveliness of nature that attracts tile first attention it is the mental and moral excellence and cultivation that win will and continue to retain the affect auca tion of the young heart Youn young ladies gladics sadly miss it who labor to improve their outward looks while they bestow little or no thought on oil their minds and hearts fools may be won by gew gaws and fashionable and showy diesa es but the wise the prudent and substantial are arc never caught F by such let modesty and virtue bu bo your dress use pleasant and truthful language study to do good and though you baynot may not be counted by iho fop the truly great will love to lin linger liner er in your s steps |