Show ech E ch 3 of at blazt for along a long ti time line in fact ever since tile the appointment of maj gen butler to hupci intend the exchange of prisoners the rebels have declined to entertain illy any proposition to th that at end ead having haring formally proclaimed gedbut gen butler eras as an outlaw and best bestowed onca on him the lasic title of the beast 11 and similar choice i they affected to take h his is selection by Pies president ident lincoln in high dad dudgeon and vowed all sorts of oaths to the demon of treason that hat they would never no never recognise recognize him as a negotiator now this was all ve very ry nice very consistent and all that sort of thin thing more especially was it bully for the crebs considering that while their soldiers captured by us engaged as they were in unholy treat ton non on and rende ica infamous in it the eyes of the by their brutality to our heroic men on every battle field were well fed clothed and tended our own linfor who fell into rebel beliel hinds were huddled together like pi pigs 3 crowded into rickety buildings and noisome dungeons thrown into tile the of belle isle and literally starved to death the civilized world has stood amazed at tho the heartless crit cruelty elty of tile the leaders of the rebellion towards our oar prisoners honorably taken on oil tile the field of war and the heart of every loyal man has burned with indignation against the he wanton and continued outrages of tile tho bastard confederacy deeply as the govern meat aunt aad tile the people of the north sympathized with tile the sufferings of our fellow citizens at nud and around richmond Kich mond in dan dungeons geons and cells cecils nud amid tile the miasma of tile the swa swamps not one lisp lip was headd akan asking that tile the silly gilly demand de nd of the rebels for the removal of gen butler batler should be acceded to all felt that it would ic be a shameful rill abandonment of our rights I 1 an lin unworthy worthy concession to it 11 hordo horde of treason sta stained ineil miscreants to acknowledge in it the least decico leg cc the ho justice or legality of tile lie eption of but ii r we mo aie glad to see by our late exelline e s that lit joir dails dav is and his anisi go ei have bian constrained to abate their 1191 pic tensions and come doina doin a notch or two in this matter mailer or of the 0 exchange al iange of paison t is we clip tile the followill following g bioni tho the new yolk herald april pili th the ichel commissioner Commissi colonel and captain Cip tain hatch I 1 etui letu tied ined to their ting flag of truce bo t on jimes james liver on oil satin daiy diy en route for richmond A perfect understanding wis was romo rome to between colonel and genethal butler tr tile tho exchange of prisoners nill bo be hereafter conducted honorably and humanely it is difficult to divine just what reasons il hive lve occasioned this thia recoils reconsideration ration of their ule late polley policy this bettin letting down of their lorty lofty creten preten pretensions alons nor does it matter a cicat deal Is as wo ino have at it least two to one an excess of th their jr prisoners in our hands and as for their spring campaign they need cie chiy Y one of their soldier sol diem a they camo to tile the conclusion that so 0 far as force is con cei tied we u c can better spare man for man than they the whole confederacy y of his been ransacked for sold icis by the most sweeping sWee pill conscription the dolid ever s saw a w when they found cs constrained constrAin od to extend tt end their tile ir cons to all between tile the ages ea of IS 18 ani and 60 they must have looked ni with ith longing longing eyes towards the tho thousands wands of prison ris eis in our hands bands who having for sever il months enjoyed tile the unwonted luxury of three boils moils a 1 day 1 ly must bo be worth ii orth at least a half dozen doen of the ragged half starved con acl f cults apts of 11 which aich their own army is ia composed 0 po o faras he depletion depiction of our forces from t the he loss of prisoners prison eis was aias concerned it amounted to I 1 cry little as an hundred sturdy Nol thillen heppl teP Pl to fill each vacant place A without 1 1 much interfering in with ith our people or our in men inen should re it a sudden draft certain it is tint t no sentiment of mercy toward our unfortunate Country countrymen inon it in their tolls toils actuated then them for the their ir brutality abates not ta a jot as tho the ysais roll bound witness t the he reent at fort pillow no int tvr however howel el what IN aliat liat may luv have bare impelled tho th rth ta o roc gon ell butler a as commis aloner and thus stultify their proclamation of outlawry against him every loyal heart will rejoice that there is now a fair prospect of the speedy deliverance of our heroic prisoners at richmond aiom the pangs of hunger and the cruelties cruel ties of their heartless captors |