Show PI A ON 0 LI A restaurant anil and lod lodging hig llou door dar south of cliftons Clin tons drug or main riet hint TUB inn alid p a arst alno and Lo godfrin Lod diring home ly solicit a kirc of public I 1 intro atron nase aze boott iiii cl cr n bod nud and bd b d ly by the dir I 1 or ii I 1 chamberg Cham beri baid MARKET T 1111 a drs eo conti fitly on haut aud fir salt tho the choicest meats or of all var varieties cleties at it th jr tt stall in I 1 ah r ight sat W in th ahr ony AlARK MARKET VT ALSO at lik now dew m it at camp douglas U S T where ilio lett tho alfords ran can alwn 3 be 19 found til aln seth 11 alor enos 1 I hogo hoge as ROG E attorneys lt at law office fit it eat strat 3 doom S q of f the biag stoic up iila tri I 1 ihl will 1 rh aco on to the ton ion of and all oilier budris 1 I all 11 of it ali T ti NN ill attend to the ail mile told il of city and to lidid cli cl lm all dagil drann drain etli annl X N n B ahlo does doci not ift extell to Crial criminal lal buina in 0 suit salt lau lako chumy hii ET ganv 0 cl chariei aale darke and the iha brin el dral 1 1 federal and 11 1 tl oali t hants and Ci acids ds of iho I 1 erI tOrY rt major bill ill be found it at I 1 his old oil a at it tho court alouse jele tf if F LUMBER A choice lot IM from MAJ katov vw ron FOR SALE AT itar r lon bonss Is near independents te ila hall it nt at I 1 ovest fath cash prices for particulars enquire lit at brind A of mr hr long lone 12 beitf if SUTTEll LEY BRO S photographic GALLERY hast east tample strut tf GREAT SALT LAKE CITY UTAH fy iret N TI r take 1 la til all alc tlc and nit sl lif iter from fr ufa life or coiled 11 fr from old Ip letres arm tf if V it sy jul edh J T 1 4 LL daler in groce groceries ries and provisions I 1 main st groesbeck Groes lierk s 57 square 1 salt lake city constantly on hind IN full arly Ply of r family amily groceries we respectfully o linit licit A alre of the pallo patron aror abc lff apa P 6 if 0 aes carpenter builder sash antl and door falory factory on handi loor aad na so hes of 1 nil all H HAS at lix ws almb r yard opp orp dt lt acri anath aarti t 1 nome lumbar boult bod boll on cash aft or grain in aar ment vj mirat ra tt i ato falce MH au lanin 11 fl ih it an 0 rhin I 1 mall mail ard f r alom s c II 11 li co 1 A I 1 lair N I 1 mil it air r nv W I 1 I 1 banov i if C fiill n ill conduct the as aget A kent fur fr th jr A IIA KALSKY TArl suit salt lale laky car june ath cpr julf NEW BARBER SHOP alv I 1 r of the lilt hit ion lainio ard 4 alaird arp ing saloon in at an arani nai big bp K nril to in f rin 1 I hn I 1 arl bi and thal th li ii silt ank cita 1 I I 1 C MN hint lie ani hil it co C atre philp mill IN ell aroi a hall hair kremr drewior I 1 fox in elt cit nal nil that aro from tit biair abon I 1 in rt fint r t I 1 two dm fron 0 1 e sil lit I 1 ikc alili dinino up tir st elul e and bv Fort lonaM diehl Il til with rodfer roh fer tn to ilio hie alire we re fall to it aft ot of ciar nair r rrt timo or haliw will he spared to sati fr cerv ex cry one who eirv gita u 1141 ft 1 mil I v nelv willod thir profi finn tion in flie tl alii crt ct actton Ton nit the athin allan II 11 ad ili III and anro nr benir of the first witter mi anh I 1 iiii tit nf y d 1 erectly froni from sin 8 1 I rilo eleo will ill bo be udd to A DIEHL ou butrin if I 1 tidies alim la love lc L c with 3 on full 11 dissolution of partnership xi stIne beben alin woal mul W II 11 clipperton clhoa Is 1 da d a toh ed by cons consent elit DUNOIS WOOD jt attorney Attorn torney Fy nt at daw A claim agent nt ihfe lf ton inep lamori L first door south of halt nt lie jaa tf if CIGAR TOBACCO STORE STOKE I 1 OBER FELDER FELBER BROS under tile halt balt aalt cinc just opened op erlI Q n cw stool stock of rine fine havana and Dome domestic stio cigars CHEWING SMOKING TOBACCO 0 GENUINE meerschaum OTHER PIPES 0 TJ tal 20 mt ar Z NOTIONS ETC nt aitho the lowest brcci a g arl 1 a us a call sall sail lake cli jc J c 7 jing tf if if yau want to buy tk f ti ars go to eszti glat fi tei tu ow as TEMPLE OF FASHION lif in street vot tf if 21 ahsja S 2 A Y orrice MOLIT kalk y Bs or gold silver and all al ther metals wid and ores id south st salt za la t c ciby anesther andS and ther for and As goul alinz rs inneo in froin 6 to 12 bior U lir air molitor ws iris er for rainy years in pm kin li anclien an clieo and 14 1 it enoi known n to nh all the kading iding li and C coiner lal ibous 8 in fornia illi nanya ag ays are arc alio I 1 adl ell alno knon n in the tha fast and in mirope fur fr we call atten lon to the above that IN a win be re and maytrait my trait e tile correctness of every A abny siy anido in ofir hankis emilo 4 hints and I 1 it n e is 1111 il fand nd markets for A ia ed by bv us its we als p iv cular attention to mineral attaya 0 of li enery aery A a 0 S T L city A ill 19 1 qa q A assayers ap UNION restaurant A an ICE CIL E SALOON enoi remitted refitted re fitted anil private room roomi i ere rt ted turn film asnon I 1 I 1 ith nil it it th comeforo com foro nud alad luxuries of a an 1 tern or san sail francisi francisio o house houie fit alist st class ice cc creams roan talu talut soda sell and cream and all the delicacies del of tho constantly ON OK tho tha union him lanui also anni in connection with rith tho the ab nb fl nn an I 1 P entrees to ain 1 horn caisip douglis will find ery hoccom annil allon 1 I 1 line of arn suller 8 0 sto camp bingin 81 1 I a in rud il oc look p in 0 SL cit a in n I 1 to rom arii union n ditc itc ja tf if and 1 p ui A SL j haj N V 7 3 sea ae 1 av 7 or EAT athau L V i y H A tile the dead sea of me hc american Is afforded flordell if on tho the new MAIL ROUTE WEST OF THIS CITY A rutilho is I elt d oa the shore anro black wa alo tanvir vIr of if the ill liv r will io be no ledwith ted with mella ineil or lodging ii A boat to is also alo kept kp for the iba use oc 1 B 1 I 1 a laa tt ta t belt a it at ONE ocl clock ch woh rach t clr I 1 efm allo 1 11 adno fab rd to bound coaell ch to lo ena 1 e to return rotura abo city albo am day fare t 10 ir 11 6 r mi in 2 tf rt 40 at ca 01 tr aal lall owr r j 11 m STAR el LLIS ELLIS BROS obeys A R I 1 lirt arbur in their oarn T TAKI choik 1 atrin im t tl 1 t rn palillo lill cily c ily 1 t f arr binl tn ahi firgir firu ir ilac of 11 1 1 ou u tho elio I 1 west vest side bid of MAST EAST r ali 01 10 1 fil 4 pr erml ml d annn 11 II tl alir r new L ahti f I 1 awn rd aradi thy ir no ww vim J t in H u 1 n 04 1 i it itt in tir el clam in 1 I I 1 ial in a I 1 1 vt moli 4 M I 1 in ill cairs c fir ali llo leale alia retail Custom cip elp we vt havo already lt caily a irr ig stock stack of now ind and lavo moro loro on the way to this place we cabil ami mi ill sell as cheap ns ni tile our tock stock consists of ory DRY GOODS coodsy boots and shoes 1 I 11 asand and 0 S A fulland full and completo complete stock of groceries AND TT A sa P W A jeby PAINTS OILS LEADS dvo iliin arf cutlery notions carpets oil clollis ana Damis ks laces embroideries Hosic hosiery rv Cioch cry ry and glass glasa wire ware etc etc cigars and tobacco Tobi cco drugs 0 aa our assortment w ii unsurpassed wo offer ou cr it Whole wholesale salo and retail ota il for cash or produce Pio duce W return nr sincere thans to the th pamla fl for r gent rons which wt we li il tv ire rec elred onic ini I 1 p our aral al in anity i annl t ezily fully wid lyd oft cetlia he tin of i conr r efforts t taj at ih lt w arntt that w 4 1 liall 11 reer reea recci conlinn mi P f lii fr f r ELLIS ELAS BROTHERS abrett aar apr I 1 FACTS buffs WORTH 10 TOWING 1 tho the only BOOT SHOE HOUSE in utah is guerney co s s the only that telli ails C BOOTS SHOES is guerney cos co ar if yon DRY reet buy oar B boots shoes or GUERNEY CO no ko other beniers deniers ck CAN sell the same ein iua lity of i goods GUERNEY CO no trouble to show goods or give fits I 1 win S LOAN WITH GURNEY CO ulfat vain n strut street salt las lake city no 1 7 if the peoples peo oles store I 1 IF AUER BROS ebros dalre ia 3 staple and fancy her merchandise chandise dry goods groceries yankee notions boots and shoes clothing ac c we I 1 no on hd h d a a sor superb rb stock f california OALI FORNIA BLANKE BANKETS TS jf atlo allo fi tai quality lity ilow we w M irr at ait little over orl laal cot our to of I 1 boots and shoes clothing ing ac li is of ill tha latest t tl 1 IM and ad bet AU TEA AN AND ad TOBACCO of the lie liol cot brands over lin imported Import ported td V r A ditto s R wet bill 1 7 emple ht 0 S 1 L city nbc ly 17 00 my r 10 N E E R cigar and ana tobacco WAREHOUSE 9 beit door to 11 walker allier irs bres E EAST AST TEMPLE STREET have just received a new supply of fine cigars cherring cher Ohe ring ana ing tobacco genuine acer and other pipe Car cardd ts erry ott etti ett aydt err 14 at te 4 that lh atly fy w r rin p ciro 1156 cu call wt and wl fy an KITH bif if ADVERT advertised ISEM just received FROM california 2000 LBS L FINIE FINE NATURAL LEAF t LBS 1118 SWEET TOBACCO c L LBS B S C COF 0 r FEE i E aej I 1 L S f tj jal ML E I 1 BOXES auw u W A t el A s s ra ge DRY ary WALKER BRO jault tf A t t t t ci 0 tl co 1 SIEGEL S I 1 E 0 E L BROS B R 08 I 1 i i will tell sell for the ilia next j i thirty days of their immense stock of ready roada made C L 0 T H I 1 N C furnishing goods boots 2 yankee notions etc i etc etc i at eastern cost to make room for then their two TITO large trains of goods y to arrival at their heir TWO storerooms STOREROOM STORE ROOMS 31 carrier east temple ana lilt 1 flunk street and 00 ff id fw arth of f lake MM salt galt city BROS ara tf if I 1 COS COLUMN to dealers in tho the city an and d Coun tryl wr WE h hilt pst tin stor sto in WMs if r a few da d a bl suit halt baw a aad lid luv lay now on sale ial a larg iq seck of ft staple auml ancy r ijiri ij iii p dry goods W Y P 4 I 1 hardware 1 tahkee not tans hats and caps S boots beota aua and ac ac IN DRY GOODS WE HAVE i domestics domestico denims stewed striped Shir tinga TIT checks lecks uli flannels Cassi blankets Ilan kete etc et etc v sugars cotee and tea pepper allspice All spica cinnamon cloyes choyet f r nutmegs Nut megs cream tartar soda soap g candles yeast dowdels Pow deis dels etc s W V Hard hardware warel anvils vices brass kettles axed wood S saw aws S spades P ades scythes lles picks sledges scythe stones fry rans paus plows ESC rope and horse shoe COR CORDAGE DACEt rf brooms and buckets L MECHANICS T 00 L r and in short every th in froma from a salamander safe to a L fish hook or OF 3 yankee iff ITo oti tion on aj we have bave an endless aft assortment A big lot of mens and boys boysy 41 ilaw biati 14 l niad campb trl all styles and 0 our stock of BOOTS consists of mens and Woi acus balmorals Bal morals Br brians egans asi adaa Oai tear youths childrens rind and ru infanta fanta shoes of all descriptions mons mi and boys boots w i sy calf M anil Grah IQ antenor qualities dualities we TT has likel a good ascott 1 paints faint oll Viril hi durvent allie dye dy bruitt ac which we w lf clat wat at clie cep fir y f ta A choice eclectic of nuts candies candi cs with a million zif of TOYS ar taits holida Ts y T ft I 1 A few platform S 0 A L E S we will eay to buyers buyer 4 that our adock of goods W was ben beaw f cash alien the eastern maras efi touched gravel aad jd ow anxiety y to isell vi will ill induce ua to t job jb as low ow as es that advertise to ta 1 sell I at cost oa taken for GOODS I 1 at very bez bet zt bricea i wm m |