Show REMOVAL I 1 V 1 0 11 ak LOO L ac OO 0 ajla 11 c e I 1 moved biar ili lr S stock of f DIRY BBS GOODS ANT C 0 ma 4 0 W asa 3 X cr 0 front their late stand teat to t the pacific acle graph office to tho STOUP STORE cauly OITO ITE TUG TIM SALT s asis LAZZ a aass 1 1 1 the if eit town and bin cori conniry li 19 oll INI IM to cill cal c ill nt it our i ei e limont said nd exam lne our unequaled muti nied a of fashionable fashions Fas hiona ble goods we are re chIng labost of T it I 1 M DI I 1 N G S A AB GENTS furnishing GOODS rr oln the san jua ma AH nilion wood haulers I 1 rv mia tta tecI 3 cords wood 51 F oro kro noir ta t buy 1 and d receive at t va WE our can cd p on t UK lie ach 1 camp woodville nirce cords cordi or of wood r artl getil inquire of mr A JA JAN ney N EY at caal wood ille crt k sons 5 30 it BAKERY BAKERY utah bakery I 1 first firs t cl class i ss 13 ih 1 cad and pastry always on hand nt at tho UTAH BAKERY at S J LEES grocer grocery find and pro M sion stoic eist east temple street 1324 tr tac w I 1 jewelry store 1 bilu i alc P B fearls I 1 gold cold aud and silver american aud and en european av V T sa ell t C 0 23 0 40 JS also gold and silver chains and nn an inyl inviting ting Assort assortment men t of thin s in this line suitable for AND USE E ALSO gold n and nd silver Sliver specs and eye glasses ses for far and near sight all warranted jut jua opened and for sale gale by 1 walters in n 4 r ilmi 1 in east timple streit one door south of NM new york store mr W 0 ItlO LUY OLLY latel aly from me state satt attia tiou to tb batoh san and i clock t all nark rl warranted warrin ted dec tf PIONEER Ell JEWELRY STORE HAVING jut jott returned from sin francisco I 1 voul deall the bitten tion of file publia to my new stock tock of ff booi gooi goolo in g of everything in the boe I 1 lire ire J feehs pioneer jewelry storo store james M X barlow watch maker all work guaranteed 1 U locks I 1 warranted time keep cis pioneer jewelry store JOHN MEEKS aply tf te HENNEFER lute late A Xz issell HAIR DRESSE RS H M IVINO farmei for ineil ft a co offer thor 81 services to the alx public of salt lake city mr air recently san la is fai orally known ai ark TONSORIAL ARTIST our voil mill ill bo be dona in the nott approved app aud ant lotic ok anner of att oulion tion pil to the alair cutt iDi ladias and dren ont one door south of evl drift s qun gun bhoj G 1 I tf lna lake wy if you on want to luy buy r 1 q go TO ELai temple of YA r 1 1 aota tf 77 GILBERT SONS STOCK of GOODS I 1 Compo composing ging their own lato into importations and the splendid MUUMUU received 11 ived by buying out ont barrow co are now on exhibition and for sale at their new quarters IN enigma next to the overland stage office T enat klimt SALT LAKE LAKE j CITY CITY general merchandise dry gooda goads groceries hardware glassware r queen ware stationery perfumery A rat 01 1 K IT notions Noti ont rancy fany articles agricula Agri agricultural 1 cull nral implements r it f pit I 1 mechanics to atooli nud i i la in briot ALL AIA KINDS OF GOODS AND merchandise mi ER por for sale 4 OllO IL I L c dOX n ftp C 31 V than any house in town tow n cash or all kinds of produce AT WHOLESALE RETAIL immense supplies OF HATS AND CAPS G JL F ry CIO thil 1 0 atiq I 1 together with irith a splendid assort m ment e tit of GLASS AND QUEEN I 1 BOOTS SHOES at cost offer the largest and finest stock of all styles and qualities of boot shoes gaiters F for or mens and childrens wear for ancl ascii ot to be had in town and at tin the i POR FOR country produce hii 3 1 1 tr ir BODENBURG KAHNS golkov COL GOLK lV SECOND TO NONE IN TERRITORY TIE rf IMMENSE REDUCTION IN af x 1 oo 00 s closing out of stock call at I 1 I 1 AND MS kaira sa s1 east temple st street A few doon dom below tho the telegraph I 1 ao office an large and tt 40 selected elected stock of ti general on hand A nt frow from t 1 l california AYD AND vm TUB nasf with a GENE ItAL assortment I 1 or i i fall dress goods staple I 1 dry 17 goods and various other Artic articles lez y for v UTAH TRADE 0 we haye hato made a iea reduction He in pricey to close our stock and make room for more I 1 we are now offering to the bubli babko 1 I tho leet best 4 aft TA r T i vs baft rt AND stock of T in C ca TT it y QUALITY AND r ra C it by any other ji mercantile in w this ter tar ri tor tory 0 SELLING AT COST 0 o 4 1 M in i vf we direct particular attention atte to ti to s our large 0 stock e of 41 pd BOOTS and which we aro now AT COST wishing to go ont of that brauert of busi business and off of fiering erinc them WHOLESALE AND RETAIL i t AT A 0 roat r 0 a t sacrifice S a c r I 1 ficA f I 1 c 6 1 ja ta i rf I 1 our stock of i is DRY GOODS T ifft f and a AAU Q CL 0 T 11 I 1 X G w iu U Is coalt e raia of a Quality gaj 0 in aa arico which nen need xia me P 10 recommendation 1 i 1 c 14 W we also IT have en A handa 7 cooking stoves 4 i carpenters Ca menters tools toola I 1 ta 1 farming Implement i A yankee notions dw stationery tobacco Toba coo ll 11 L l w I 1 T etc etab et al a variety ot other goods tee te numerous to mention we invite ono one and all rt a aass aaa fettu aj BODENBURG juin I 1 Z daf |