Show BY PACIFIC TELEGRAPH irb lu TO UNION amm I 1 1 A chicco Chi cio igo june jno is 15 I 1 ibe he son sv ditc tte bill report ea cj float the Comm itice on public lands to quilt the liml land tibits tallis of et Call california fornIA was diett d upon and parsed tb tho senate litto ori on monday ille following is a sum tit nun r ot of the abo debate rr in the be gl albe be mr pomeroy said this hycl t or of quiet quid inq alio aho hiril tilli 8 iu ID cit bi bet n bi tore tho conan tto for ye yens its and this Is the 1 aib first bunc tunc tu nc tc hare aten able to greti ath jtb the ot of alu ant ral L load arid office 0 ecail aad tiiu the and uneal of t the he tn injure a atre ii a of 0 bill arter linen or four s of the carom this year and as ili my every at y ar I 1 bit hino e tit ill tin the eiula nul nd the HB bolo in itar being ref reformed oried alco or aliro times to th alie of IM gener 1 land daod of 0 liw lice bo bi finelly stilt smi ui ili this bill with wilb as meeting the iha ampro approval at of ill tint it I 1 lenar leloi bored to atrie aln e ont tile tenth i alch that if up tip oi 01 it final inet stig it is found abat Cali fortiN by bj act muro inure land tt tb lit in she I 1 entitled to under the sever 1 it I giants made by then the faunte p iy ay folbe for be e aws ct s nt at tile the rate af f onu ono collat and wenty f ive cents tier por cres and to insert la in lilii titio thereof its is pro io to IL tari ferit section witt tit diio at not rec reccie eie under alia act a gre ater att of land lor for school or other ottar purposes than she sh Is 15 en cn gilld to ba b law w connes favored abc 5 siy 1 y ing wanted no moro tha iliin n tt 13 15 hor bar right and the atas as idalo read a di pitch fron from diac liac cleall I 1 I 1 in of the iba sj al it asoli alloa dated lif M ly a B t n ing th aby p w di ic c of the satiate bill 0 no o abb t bb was upon the subject bould pie it ii endlein ile he 6 sud tid tho bave labored to tn free bill front from the objections which thi ho pirty keenis to ba biu bau u anticipated ud ile he thought the pro rio in tile hie lust dinst nelion thit i no fiel bilut n madi lo by tile state contrary to exiling emilii exi lii la latts s iball bo confirmed for lan ian 1 IH to liitle any adver a title litlo hj by pro elliet ol oi or other tight ins his bt bain on by any bettler under alu abu liv ot of abo united stairs pro at clad cas ca s ol of pei son co conduct ba ahe the gr ili ali 4 read is i fol dili answer eLl by niile ila to wencl thu sanator Sn ator lor for indi I 1 beshe 0 a say bay abat it may go upon lipon the record tut that I 1 would not I 1 ote I 1 to coinon nali lit to the abc of callot nia or to lo 0 co any of ri ill people au an acre of land winch was settled upon by ni a roan man who had bad it ider taken to duale his home there thera m my y scort atas bi been to give that clai of poisons and tbt aby object of this bill is to give that class of a tillo talo connes Conn 53 ss boned several amend lilt ants to the section si action n bich would rl alus tuat vv here in good f und tina for vAt nimble tible consideration consider Allon persons have hato ksell lands of ale rl n guc anlee giants have bavo ib bateu bueu rejected or chero the lauds so 80 porch bied i ed hai haic e been excluded from thu the llna sunoy hiir y botany california grunt and livo have tided improved and continued hi fit actual siou of tile a sime ime as conter center 1 iii I inona proprietors according to the blui I 1 lo 10 ol 01 I 1 thelt original and lit litro re no valid adverse right for title e crept of the united slates exists tx ails uch filch puren alters al my ty purchase the tha same af biving bunh lands surveyed under liw at the ibe pi ice es bed by law upon first making proof of the abe facts under regulations to tie be tt by tile the commissioner of the biad mice provided that 1 believer it ob all 11 be made to 0 o appear by euln elltion on from the occupants ol of such lands tl at inbur to nt lit Impi improte ote ments menla would result from running the lines of oatha the public euri cys abrou through S per the tha comi assion vr er of the ge n r al lund collict inny re cognise cognize Bilal lug lined of sub divit luns jonnes 3 lit in explanation read apoll a artl tion fijut the ho citizens of slitter satter county that they had purchased in wb abit tt aas aa supposed oard to bo be the new lilt velia grant andee and be said there then cro crivy huch ile it cise 3 in ills his amend treat to the ibe se enta section ivere there loro foro to enable such settlers to as coritta hinous so bo thit that alcy y anty divide thellis cl es and r retain e ta their existing lines ibe me adopted herna cilke attention to the at tle end and or of tile the sixth ejection ise clion reia relating ting to tho of a abdool fund out of tho proceeds of lind sales aud sid sald it wasi rut appropriate to thin bill on his bis mallou therefore it was al ricken out several otner other mattly verbal cavini been made md edethe ethe the bill a amended was pissed without allsion and to tho iba house for GENERAL NEWS june 13 15 Tho President sent tu to the semite I a octo of the bill authorizing tile tho new yoi boik k nud and montan t iron mining sian af ic turing co to buy twenty W enty sections of unsun ea ed lands in 1 montain territory three of in inch might inight bo be selected froin fro lands land iron oro ore and co coil 11 nid aid the balindo bal lince fiola fi oln timber tir riber lands the 1 he bill kiy sur guguy ey the llie lamidi tit at their oin it elpi ille pay the lie tiou il price per acao arid I 1 tile the full title only hon hen tin tile hail had got biot into of thu the i wry cry considerable consider iron voik tile the in liis ills veto teto kajs the public dodam ii the notional wit ional trust set but anait tind end held for the general elf no upon tillo 11 ei pies or of cuil justice and not nol to bo be bestowed ed as a elege upon a favored alss cl ass alio tit proper ulea lulee ful fui the lie alpos ll of public I 1 c f lands have bare floal iho lie eglit period been it suly subject act of if earnest enquiry gravo grave discussion and deliberate ily save t tepi cepi it lis liia to iba pi homestead loul estead I 1 and occupy t j 15 aich aro are in ido indispensable conditions dlo dit ions and to guard thoo privileges flout abuses speculation peculation or monopoly tile law aw is rigid ns as to tho the modo of establishing esta baill by adequate ade quite for perjury mining milling briding and of other p s tj thithi till cultivation ot of file noil as aj interdicted interdict I 1 n tur d led ed mineral inin cral aidi I bring excluded from purchase haae cull coil in ili quantities not k vau acre ato airi to ti ii lud and actual actu al possess limies sion u and com cosmenco menco th addan advanced c ed minimum of twenty dollars per acre tha th gas colt fawd tho th bill in ili hy by quetin nn in sa it in direct conflict mib alb cpr principle tolore in t the il ail I 1 11 of public blie land iho up il 1 0 o t 1 pic captors to tn one line pre guption ot of a quartum section b buann 11 t 1 pi to bodies ot of laud in ill ag agregado regato to tint aeeti conta cent anns 1 buo cuo acres or eight amp iton tion right tho rho timber is i not protect id imbt but bt on oll alm h attl to pady desenn tiou tion belfio till tho tion ul of title 1 I iho ila nio ato allowed to cowit consume ino hattier aum ium m io imide ile cc try in ili tile tho ert action ot of buildings building i 1 aliu I lio of nun non tui tot thio o 31 ID loftlin of alio I 1 land tid holics couo of cofou to anny cara thu the coin compin doli 1 aiu akl to 1 pi 1 v line dollar 1 1 and centi per vere or 1 10 16 of tile e and it aio a I 1 grant credit ot of to icara or t tuco ice t the e taine allo cd to ordin ir pio of f on fl bcd imd I 1 hie lie bill 01 nally P both acinto and 1111 NItI without lOut and it is not ill ob able tin nn attempt all ill bo be enado to axi vot it 0 air er tile tiu veto r I ito hoPins e in inch pl red tile sen sanito ato tins this r at after a dob dobier ito dinara from froin the aloiso billly bill by inc increasing tho aggregate appi to hilo dearen ing tile item to for r the cricthon tion of buildings building lu iu artris to I 1 R JM ill kou goh tin ille noll 0 o hh d the president to furnish out or diore viso ls for tho alio tation of articles to france 1 I ilu ills pro idos tot loi 1 biting ing the fit bights bull IN it a 1 I beeaker colfle an appointed pointed ilin ls ilog in I 1 li z 1 I i imond and 1 1 li iver us its a Rp ocial grin I 1 lull ellair i subset bently on motion of mr ward geart if tience forone for one ack ik nas n granted to ro arni irni sni saito ito to a J to 1 lie llodo meets to ciui row for get gd oral debate rit in imond his the boor for louday on oil an ali rit cau bling blin pet of the file attorney general eral today to day appeared bofro tho the house committee on all Alli tire ira and ir ar piled gued the proposed propos id 1 I of the neut neutrality law ag ae cuni mended til ili the fe 1 eman nio ellered latt lat monday mr kill di 1 not ghitl trao ano law ought tu to bo be mith inith ns As it inas as awn for lilo alio present ill icis no prospect thit lint tile the committees committee mill ill re rc port to lu divor of a repeal of chri pm a though the th pressure for a repeal is n vcr vury agn greit t alio llio j to question whether tile southern baates alinell he be admitted to n presentation as f fist set as aa the adopt tho the tionna amendment is i lt it to be d divided aided to colue ext extent elit ulon on oil tile question bether a can call lul its lattra of tit it t amendment an aiu time before it it ol of tho the con sti on tile tho negative nega noga tivo tivi of this thia latter question was this r I 1 31 bi b J adge orth of indi iiii lit in an all arguyle argument lit that atti acted much aitt antion Con coid N X 11 II june 15 the vote vole for senator vitor in tho the house of to day resulted ns is ful I 1 ovia 0 jos N 11 I 1 atterson ira E astman din 1 l dark clark 2 in the he senito tile bote ote stood latt cron 9 East mill I 1 3 juno june 16 the congles cou COL v I 1 in in the etli ath district nominated Jud gWm of mataska ataska il co for ir ot or congre congles Con gres s by bf SS 88 Cotis otas ag dinst GO for james tho the present kep ri a the follot tins ing aro are tho the congressional nominees nomi neca in ili Int indica liina ad district alle I 1 publican jub lican gun gen morion marton G C punter vice hill democrat henry W IIan Ilan ington Di col ira G gloier vic lur deell declied iud icelea ic election tit district general D libbin claypool Clay ClaI poal N ice 3 declined lb iha Convent loa in tho the 11 and ith Dott di leiets lets aas ft as lit in support of con conom grei rM tin the 1 in the ath DItri district ct tle ilc state plat rotin jiichi ea no lie be viava taj cen tho the president and cong congress resi For foreign eigil 1 eitl CM s new york june IG the ottimer city cily of ilailo arrived this coining with dates to the ath it is hilly fully conf confirmed irined thit that th it tho the pro proposed poel i peace conference h k abandoned aban dined 0 fiig ing to dern demands ands of ausia iii NN ilah N ei eie a regarded by england liance fiance and itus laish ii II 11 tantamount to a rc fusil ah negotiations otia therefore thare there foie broken off tl the i e neutrals dav avor or the at med po ers ling among themselves or to commence com monco wai va itie logdon saps clisly d aily lain and ho irly tho the chances trances of pe pui c fade anway I 1 I 1 and bellow believes us the first event Ns a ill occur mccu m the iho elba duchies Duchi cg but that the great mo axne a of austria i ill bo a near silesia sij reported report id from froin all quarter ter tho Pius siai gov ins issued it cir calir note to tho neutral poll pott ers cre c charging barging austria with a flagrant lla grint bleach of tica liei by kieferr ic ferring I 1 a the question to the diet coial Con ioli j sa cej 5 20 s gai the agra an all I 1 I 1 Master mans link hai hab atiz heavy and wide iho eu nt chused jibed considerable aou though the vi ent ni was ai not the erakli on oil the continent continues tin mil a wat ii itic bitable the paris paria so is very fl flit it at bat at liverpool ath cotton I 1 ali off li higher e r middling uplands about 1 F arom ro m idaho I 1 it Is ed W a inell i ere recently lound found de ld in calms Ili prairie alric more victims of tle the op orations of this ills band appe apponi it to bc f kept v very e r I 1 quiet and but littlon is 6 liioi n of th their c I 1 r at this dist tuce florid it orld ath li alum lit tiro borup ast 1st U S cavalry ili I 1 ived at camp L ajon on in tho the ei enily ly purt part of thia ii neck eek direct ft aiom out vort rort Chum bill gen 11 illeck NN alth ith nn all 0 eacott cott of no moro more compan lei Is ia ru polled there alpo gicas it I 1 u bat ba us a bat said tho the general gebur il was W two 0 days daja lit in rear of thir company which his hd camp gen ell steel re is expected to meet gen II 11 alleck at caius 11 lyon 0 1 to tomo mallow now N vilh till co 11 U fc chaliy Caa 1 1 liy i T avalanche Ata i anici lanche wi 9 Rit EcE jolin apost k l qu S Assi ASIL asor sor and collector fur for county informs us its tint thit lie undo asses on oil and 11 cellas in may to sl and that ile ho will the annual animal assessment list to 1 Lalar lele oll J 1 I hili has boon been cornin for sherill 1 W wood for Tica ater J 11 II Wicket wickersham sham for recorder and 11 1 11 13 ritten for aasc oi of boise county by tile the democracy mas tho anniT emary of the 4 ittle or bunked |