Show DR INJURED III o Is by br mu Crossin Crossing Left Idl Dr W R It county dan elan death while hurrying to attend It ii patient Dr was os crossing the tho re gnu Short tracks on Third West and Fourth North III streets when whon nn an en engIno gIno struck tho rig smashing It corn com completely throwing It occupant to tOtite th tite Before Iho train could hll be Dr had been blon dragged a half block count le 8 bruises hut with hIts hili life tto tho Iho horse too Willi not 1 Is nut III the Iho carrIage was into Inlo small bits n iu accIdent almost identical In Iii on lIa tuto ture occurred near the tho annie pot eliot 1 a short ago 1110 nn nit engIne a 1 carriage In time tho way ibay Dr r towards some FOme home In the thiC part hart ot of he hc hurl bad a 11 very vei sick but buth h b toro over oel the tho tracks slack coed the SPeed ot of hut hiM horse to look 1001 olon along tho lIne for tor A string Qt of freight ears CllrK stOol t huH over the Dr could sea or hear no t or engines Thu crossIng had no or guard ot of nn any kind to warn persons doctor started across the tho lInd ho hail had no freIght cars than lull engIne him carryIng carrIage down the theline line ot of title are ing In Iii Short Line RIds Third onel and III tue due to time Ihl little paid Ial Ing With standIng near Mill the n II person ton can not tuot moo feo down or up the track for tor lilly arty great gront A A tut III need Cd lit at every Iwen spot 11 II II the Third crossIng he scenes pf had accidents unless steps tire 1110 taken to Install tt t the sanie crossing a collide ot of ago Mrs In J 3 U Ii an 1111 1111 turin n It rota Mrs tas walking across the on to the when n a tip 1111 her h II a tow rh 0 who Willi it I king ol a lea o totally ot of hue tho ot of the tho jUt lied time to 10 throw himself on time the to timid beIng struck 11 by tIme Iho e cylinder or of the Iho locomotive Parry states that thero ins no grade cros crossing to 10 th m timid time 1111 11 by a 0 string ot if curs untIl It II was her hor No NoRUn RUn wius liS until tits the unglue passed th hl lIed the lucil holl was ruing a |