Show SENATOR WALTON TUN ON fiSH AND GAME New Chairman of Senate Corn Com Committee Has Had Previous Experience ADVENTURE BOUNTIES HI I Jm Colt 1 TI ma t tie 1 mav lie he imp iii SU III Ill Fit Fraud We Ie K IC Walton th tI I tew t chairman of the committe tin on gain Car or the In n a WIY vay A session ago 1111 he to told III some live In ort oft hourI wolf hunts up near his home borne nt at Wool Wood Woodi i and onet anI or of e fairly outdid tho of the bountY bount people titan then thenon on nl file In the Iho county count clerks offic Then this bounty tram hui l lne ne ness s got fairly ell unter Way war S senator nIton sought Bought the tho limelight agaIn IlL hI XI n wa say that fairly made hIm thu tho los log bat leal candIdate bc beyond any hope ot of on an ouster from II a more morl ambitious shot shotgun gun un mil mann mannI n nI I ho said with quIet emil and low to tone no that Is character l ot of him on nn the thiat you ou cant make 1 a bount bounty law whIch cant he be hut heat ow for Instance I 1 was WIlS once In the tho bounty bount business myself It was all the ground squIrrels were ruining m my ranch out ll at Woodruff and I 1 decided to get gel rid ot of them SO SOI I offered n a bount I TALES The Tho test or of death was ns that r I would pay 25 cents each for tor every eon squirrel tall to roe me The boys bOs b beame calne hus busy In Order ordel and ancl pretty prellY oon the taIls talis began to come cOlIe In so 50 abundantly antly that I wes WIlS rapidly being bank bankrupted Then Themi One do day Wh wimAn ll I WS was ridIng over oVey the ranch m my eyes were opened to all as groas a bounty bount fraud raud va ut thIs honorable lod bod ever eor had to con anti consIder shier sIder That ranch w vas sImply alive with bob tailed FRAUD Those bo boys s had figured there Wa morti profit In III a s second crop of tolls tall than thull In III J a death to pluck th hit amid I had to do away avay with bounty IHUnt 88 a 11 means o of kill killIng Ing off orr the tho animals Park I Is till the other othel bantam of nr the tho besIdes Walton Park Purk ho ha n a private house housu down at time Tor Jor dun river 1101 mouth and hIs ambition runs alon along time the line ot of killing 1 a limit tier Iler day of green mallards when thin snow flurries are oro favorable anti the weather Is not too cold cod for or corn com Park will look lit itt things more from the standpoint of hunter while th other othol men man will hool on fish and as II foOd tod product to be used usell for useful tuther than ends end This year a powerful society Is working for tOr bottom hettel laws lawa to make It harder to kilt kill game fOr Or sport the argument being that market will soon foon devastate the tho and Utah will 11 lose a great Ireal opportunIty to Provide wonderful pIa play grounds tor Or hot hll over oer overworked worked office forces and professional men lIell to wham the tho spring weather smells mels ot of fishy and the tho win tot tel minow of duCk flights MARKET G The assault on market hunting ot of two years ago failed because too man many senators lilted liked It a duck or two tor or din dinner riot ner and preferred to got it from thin shop keeper rather than a sports sportsman man friend as a girt gift Walton was ions neutral In that II tight Jh t Chairman Barber Darber ot of the tho committee as n a staunch supporter ot of the mar margot got Act hunter and a relentless too foe or of the mere dudes dudell who want lInt to dress 1 up and go forth In the sloughs to lord It over oyer the tho ranio that make theIr home there OIe Thu flab and game fight this session cs lon will bo 10 CC the tho mo mott t In Interesting and but for the two big ot of consolidation and railroad commissions make a bid for or thin the center or of tho stag |