Show Manager E T A Lackin 40 St BI Telephone Advertisements for tor the Iho nally Baly end Ind Newl accepted on en the tho same elline terms es aI at atthe atthe the Salt BaIt JAke Office I John J 24 4 Walh Ave Ind 2nd Tel 11 Ut 1 Office with Lambert Paper laper Co Pay Payments for tor the DailY Sa Saturday and News should hould b be made to tile the circulator Delivery made b by carr r on same terms nil Cs In gait Lake I DEPARTMENT 1 The Th News Is delivery by bJ carrier every night Sunday excepted at t 76 75 cents cent per mouth II and em hould lOn to 11 J Dugdale tOl or Daily Saturday and SemI wn Weekly kly Orders taken lee for Works J 3 Fourth NOI h St 51 1 Ind Baby wont five with croup if IC you apply Dr TImorous irl trig OIl at once It acts like magic Salt SaIt Rheum Itches oozes oozes dries and ond scales Over and over again local applications do not cure it because they thoy cannot remove its cause which is isan isan an Impure condition of the blood The 00 most obstinate cases hive have been perfectly and permanently cured clUed by a course of Hoods Sarsaparilla the best tar tor salt lilt J beum In all the worN Voi of rem It t too r look ook on Silt No 3 C t I Hood Co C M MaN heal Heul Jut In furs tor or wInter the Furrier r rii iI ii f 1 IF YOU NEED EED A MEDICINE MEDICINE i 1 5 YOU HAVE DAVE JOE TUE BEST W E ask you to consider the fact act that although there at amk I of preparations advertised there is only ONE that thet really out as n remedy for or all diseases of tile the j liver and bladder DR SWA rp ROOT stands the for or the reasOn I that its remarkable curative power has been proven in ill thousands I o of even the most distressing cases ROOT HOOT makes friends quickly c its mild and ate at effect is soon realized It is a gentle heating healing vegetable COIn SPECIALISTS PRESCRIPTION FOR A SPECIAL DISEASE SWA SWAMPROOT IS NOT FOR EVERYTHING I 4 A SWORN CERTIFICATE OF PURITY IS WITH EVERY BOTTLE Pot sale at aU all drug slon stores in ut bottles of two t ty cents a td nd S one d cir cirI I SAMPLE BOTTLE OF SWAMPROOT FREE BY MAIL i TN IX ORDER TO PROVE PROTE WHAT THE GREAT th KIDNEY LIVER AND BLADDER REMEDY WILl DO FOR iE YOU EVERY READER OF THE T HE SALT LAKE CITY DAILY BERET NEWS WHO HAS IlAS NOT ALREADY TRIED IT 1 MAY RECEIVE A SAMPLE BOTTLE BY MAIL AnSa 1 FREE ADDRESS DR KILMER lER CO BING II HAMPTON N y WRITE TODAY t ODAY i il is l 4 s I Ii i C Chamberlains hb am er 1 aID S Cough Remedy I FO fOR fORit Coughs Colds and it aj aji i 43 T r 11 J T I r It r rsm I nfl CALIFORNIA i T Only Via Mot Popular The Railroad Here Today There Tomorrow j l 1 i Phone 16 MAIN STREET t l lr l r 5 T TT TUB Semi T Weekly Ne News s I Circulation Books 0 r I Open I I I If they d desire fe to rOAch reach the tho of limo tho I r i 7 t lid nd In 10 their homes ornu L AdV A lors j I It 1 c A CleanUp Clean Up I marked most of my t stock down 33 13 1 3 per cent it t seemed as though I had gone the limit and the people who came t tin in seemed to think it was low enough now ic that I have had time to look a around around round I find that I have too much stock on p hand and I will do even better SQ So BE BEi i GINNING TODAY I 1 will sell all fancy I i mixed suits at 4 I HALF OFF IlI w 1 18 suits are new and all this seasons goods but we do not wish to carry them over Their price is no reflection on their i In addition I will give 33 13 1 3 per percent tri i wI cent reduction on any blue or black suit 1 II II and on all overcoats II 25 per cent off offs s 11 You will never buy good clothes any cheaper No goods sent 1 I I Ion N I CO L on approval dur during 1 I F L Ling ing this sale Main St Str r 1 |