Show vs SWEARING A few years ago father D a large rotund priest of me church was via stationed for a season in cattaraugus Cattar augus county ile he reformed the pastoral hago charge confided to him and finally i brought b r h into subjection a herd of wild Mile settled in in that thai vicinity who prior to rather father Ds advent had been a fibbing fig hing bing drin drinking kini set oi of ar hardheadedness hard headedness when the Rever ened father was called to another char charge ge a wealthy citizen arranged a dinner party in in honorof honor of the good natured priest to which his hi s reverence assented the jolly priest pet i was unaccustomed to that sort of thin thing as the sequel proved he H e arz brought glit his friend murphy with him 1 to th the e surprise of his fis host and sat down dow n to the table with a larive large party after eating heartily and observing that the wine was about to be br ought brought upon the table lie he leaned over to his host bost and confidingly whispered 1 I larn ahe the custom orthis of this country Ts ii plinty of hard db and plenty of hard bard shearin sw earin aann I 1 cant do the shearin sw earin because ov me profession fess fes sion ion so ive ivd brought along alinn me friend murphy to do it fur far mo me but ill do the haid baid 11 tho host smiled in inwardly a ardly and hotd the story after the priest and his friend fri end had gone home as full as al hicls night br brings if ig but stars as sorrow sorrow show shove us truths we ran never see the stars till we bansee can see little or br harght eltee ele and thus it is with longfellow in his hiawatha thus elucidates upon pon the tendency of young women to run away aay with the fellers I 1 thus it is our daughters leave usi us those we love and those who love us ns just ahen they have learned us cornea comes a y youth auth with v alti flaunting feathers with his is flute flut e of oe reeds a stranger wanders piping through the village beckons to the fairest maiden and she follows berehe he leads her leaving all things for the stranger everybody ever body has heard beard of the famous letters that passed between the adverse chiefs of sir connoll and tyrone the most laconic correspondence in history pay me rny my tribute or if you dont OD 0 q I 1 r E L L 1 I ove olve you Y ou no tribute and afi if I 1 did ONEIL the following certificate wad was duly granted to the parties parties therein named and signed by an embryo justice of the peace in peoria county illinois to all the world greeting know aj y that john smith and peggy risers is s hereby certified to go together and do as old folks does anywhere in cocoras co precinct and when roy my commission mission comes I 1 am to marry mairy lern em rood and date lent em back to kiver ac ci dents 11 DYING dring an old unloved deacon in in his last hour was visited visie b by YI a neighbor who said well lvell deac deacon lit I 1 hope you feel resigned ned in going 11 yes Y e s 11 sad sa d the deacon 1 ai I I 1 think 1 I 1 I aro resigned well said saia the other 1 l thought it might be consoling to you to know that all the neighborhood are resigned also 1 I say mother said a regular street loafer the other night after he had deposited something in a rickety old cupboard and laid himself down upon the floor 1 I want you to wake nie me when I 1 get dry ry i how shall I 1 know when you get dry drye asked hi his s mother f 1 1101 0 just wake me up any I 1 time I 1 im aldays dry |