Show za crt aud and therefore we had betoi turn the la 10 ind ians loose it upon pan them oi I 1 it il 1 surrender the territory of utah to le ilise two hordes of barbarians fold 0 or at ins qui city and await the re rc it fc lve c doubt whether bother a mot moie c extrait almary allgary all iary application vf of the doctrine iq it of laissez faire than is to be ad in 1 the history of civilized na an and although it is always of duric course to be reg regretted felted that two mem ders of one government should be jiin lid arrayed in opeil open contradiction oe die with the other othe rori on a question of is practical policy we think the lire people the united states will rejoice ex W that the secretary of the in itkor should havo have rescued us from lie b ol 01 of acquiescing in such a even at the price n of nf imperiling impe riling the apparent harmony buchanann Bucha nans cabinet |