Show LAST TRAIN al AND D BEST r GOODS ROGERS ROSS WISH to call attention to their larce assortment of merchandise now fredred offered for sale at the store house bouse recently occupied by C H BASSETT the deop 7 of this city and the public general ly are assured assur d that ous STOCK OP OF GOODS CAN NOT be surpassed in in this market either tor for OR oa CHEAPNESS A P we have the best variety V t ye and ASSOR assortment TIMiE NT of FINE DRESS D R E GOODS ever opened in this city SPLENDID DRESS SILKS CASHMERES MERINOS ME R I 1 0 9 ALPACAS LAWNS GINGHAMS AND SWISS MUSLINS CRINO LIINE I 1 I 1 RIBBONS VELVETS AND ALL SORTS or SHAWLS sir AWLS a CLOAKS CLO AKS DIAN MANTILLAS TILLAS PARASOLS and every Y ladief GOODS i CLOTHS SATIN ETTS CASSINI ERES TWEEDS CORDUROYS SHOES BOOTS AND AND AND CAPS BAND AND READYMADE READY MADE CLOTHING GROCERIES AND DYE STUFFS A full list of dont forget GOOD and cheap ROGERS SHIRL arus BOSS NOTICE t hereby her herell elv forewarn all persons persona W VV against the purchase or negolia on of a certain note dated at chicago illinois ili 1 l on the day of march 1859 for th the e sum of three thousand dollars and the costs of collection said note is signed si ed by byus us and is made payable to the order og e of peter but the consideration at on thereof baving failed we do not intend to pay th the same C A APERRY PERRY CO salt bait lake city U T nov 30 1859 wiil MILL FR USSEL CO 9 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL darers ill DAY GOODS liquors LIQUOR GROCERIES ALSO outfitting outwitting OUT FITTING GOODS GENERALLY AT G S r L city camp floyd fort eort baid badger bairfield field ld and eri millersville Millers ville the attention of the pu public b lic is invited to their stock on hand ard aad to arrive I att tf CO GOODS alt d 71 COST ifor THE HE undersigned undersigner under signed beg leave to in 1 form tho the public that they win bo be 1 larece releist lol 1 or I fifty ona wagon wage loads load of goods good on or aboud ou t tin 17 alth t h int comprising an 1 I extensive assortment ol of dry goods boots 4 shoes groceries hats S caps clothing ac which together with their well 1111 selected stock onn on hand they will sell ilat at their store in tills thie elta city y by the p alece or pac package kagey at COST anil and twe TWETT CENTS the attention of country dealers dealer and those deel purchasing ng their family supplies is called V t the in duce ts thus held out as we aro ro deter mined to sell 1311 on the terms a t forth bore above 1 tt M I 1 R RU sella CO ho I 1 for america 11 WEEKLY PASSENGER LINE I 1 pare fare reduced IMPROVED accommodations T IONS I 1 COA POACHES leave salt lake city for the states every friday for st joseph 11 mo and lid Leaven wo th kansas P g ak at 1 the har reduced educe d price af 0 na meals mealo at the stations at ai REA KEA S RATES no responsibility timed for bagg for passage apply t to russell co sat sal lake Lk akery ery cl T nab tt george Crony lit co purchased the well selected 1 block of 0 H 1 8 allredge dredge Ell redge co consisting of DRY CRT GOOM GOODS GROCER ES aci bell acs aa to say they have now opened the good at genres OM old stand net nes RI ship shi p run ers and offer thein at t retail they ihry declare the public chiy ii bave e put ices at a iov lo 10 figy flur jle you nu rt Iriv iad ltd to d examine clue c lue the tock lock consists in par of UE 0 0 1 c groceries hardware hai dware oils turpentine window windo glass say hay and 31 manure alLure forks shovels spades spade scythes and knaths cotton yarn dye sats s fic cerms lerms cah cab ori ready pay produce of all kindi kind II K to the tig pubic STAGE LIVERY AND EXPRESS NOTICE THE undersigned undersigner under signed would orld respectfully into inform the I h bit tl of 0 this cl city IF an aar 0 11 p floyda that be be dow 1 sn arn pc lion an a dally line outages of running from sa salt t lako laki city to camp can p ployd floyd and fo from tamp camp FIO floyd 1 to ball lc L I 1 aie c City leaving each point punctually at a 8 a in an I 1 arriving it at 2 p m I 1 lie 1 e has now dow four change of 0 bo horses boa a 0 on the road bilao 6 good and cd lua coach and id careful dv ira therefore te be dels warranted in 11 saying that 1 h I can an carry y passengers pas U 9 through in 1 sit 1 hour horns LIVERY NOTICE he will 1 be 1 ready l to ra receive 1 1 be horses on livery may L bolh 0 lh by th the day week or mouth moult at his bis new stab e 11 sa silt 1 I 1 lake city clavon on the roost most reasonable terms korsch reer arid and C cig carriages ig to let at all 11 hours hour night or day ESPECIAL NOTICE ne 1111 will rim an Ep express cepres res 1 in c connection et ton with W b B stage st ile line between beten bet en camp floyd floid and salt lake acty C ty no voll HI be received rec cled or carried curried by him excog the postage Is prepaid pre paid on each letter 28 25 bendi ts all pa passengers mengers baggage we belching wel ching labing over 40 pound will kill be charged at the rate of 6 et ants it W per pound all pack weighing under 10 pounds will b be I 1 taken tor for 60 50 atrit each all over 10 pounds will be taken at the rate of at 6 t beats per pound the will not ie be for an trunk package parcel or any other bocles les of pro gerty whatever what evert except for or ty ly his bis agents at each end 0 1 the ro routt tite A liberal chare bara ot of public pt patronage ga 13 earnestly solicited li cited ta la salt take lale city ct next door to the post of 01 PARMEN et IQ 10 A JACKMAN JACKMA N lt l t proprietor NEW gomm WE would respectfully announce to the citizens ot of salt lase lae city and valley that wo wa arsinow are now receiving and opening dexl door north th 0 gilbert arrish and m camp lioyd our lir lar Bestock geslock or of Mere merchandise merchandize bandl dize e wb which ch has been selected with great cre care exar ly for OT this market and wh ch ft are determined to sell at 10 low a a any house 1 in 1 he C ty we would say eay to ladles the that wa hac haglage large lage tock lock of 0 dress goodr goo suitable to their dantsi want and which we would be pleased to have them call and examine 40 0 tt tf BHO CO 1 10 0 COOK STOVES for sale 1 W by 40 t tt DYER BRO BHO CO 50 annn 0 0 LBS SHEET IRON for sale M by DYER BRO CO 40 tf WE E have yoke yoka of 0 f CATTLE to s sell ell or exchange tor lot country countr Y pro produce d 40 tf f DY lt BHO BR 0 CO a THOMAS S III ATTORNEY AT LAW will practice P in all the courts 0 tha nd especially in tho the US C S district courts and supreme court give efficient effi clent attention to all prot prof tonal engagements 0 A i orfice ons door dool 1 koelb crib qi ot rest cince artt 11 CRT I tj ullock aday bui WHOLESALE I 1 AIt ARET LAt 1 al MERCHANTS E R N TS H rave have opened v in their tji NEW STORE ON CW T X large ort ill E it C 11 A N D I 1 Z specially selected clec for this market i 90 eliberal liberal discounts inai country merchants ad ue I 1 DRUGS I 1 C ali sit l perfumeries ERIES H siring still summer hnuter tsal 59 ALEX ILEX 11 MARBLE BUILDS G 3 CORNER OF FOURTH AND AM n uv r STREETS TS S ST T L lovisa LOVIS 0 jf 0 atton TAKES AKES pleasure io alon to lo Ms his SPRING I 1 ASO AD in n AND DRUGS CHEMICALS PURE REAGENTS RE AGENTS and pharmaceutical preparations ya and ind nd a of I 1 the bes beel 4 a and n d purest quality n i 11 albect ol of the to i h ts usually laTR of a t SURGICAL clec teil with care cam and made alq the mt t iii and with alithe la lied M est im mn lie he would commend to the antice of 0 those thon in III uj TOILETTE ARTICLES 1 every variety Tar lely ind and frela to i ut of P ELEGANT EXTRACTS AND SOAPS lie iio has lad his 1 ah ih i ige hipply ot of the chol chollet t BRANDIES WINES AND GIN GIK ind Is also prepared to fill all orders tor for congress and other mineral sakri ut of hb be I 1 theole agent for st mois ichi hl stock block of CHESTS mil 4 sw SID ia larger large arid and has haa been bel acted wa ID p pedal 11 reference 1 to tho the PIKES PIKES PEAK TRADE TRAD E AN AM THE PLAINS 0 J I 1 ia T is S st T si adva A tit lie apsel T A 4 ial au OUS S n T D JI 0 ii 1 yeal zine tine yau al 1 attro K ati al t the the ilic oe Is 8 W ai lik k aa 8 rs TS tb NEW EW store score OPENED one door judith aorta of i TO arto the citizens of utah ulayn call a X seo at the new grocery grocery store one door ab clcil vi nono dic ii every thing in the grocery liu line CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST we have now c pencil pd and icil roily ready foi I 1 aie 1 I t h n alo or rein 11 one of the be beash beat bes sh i STAPLE var 1 ug A to aliu tu mablel mai lel e is ag p q il e articles s sugar coffeen free I 1 ta tic rifled dried apple sn MB I 1 pepper e nid d lr l r indigo In ligO liow lea ti h i ip t vinc garp vanilla ropey ainge 4 so i ol 01 every kaml brandt frell a ev ci pitr ol of every bild anil anit u ie of 0 til in ani bm b at att ctt anil and tt D c pipe doii 1 11 4 king anil and lo barco it lini binm aal itil pl kl gar of len becklu r I 1 enes ce kofl 0 every ey kind a jnnny y dt othir thing ed to me W W we v M ill 31 ill II 11 a I 1 or of ill abo boy articles at 1 l da ti low IB it fig 11 D y house in isalt lake CI yand 1 bilk DO nol on b high agh a aal rid another low we also haac a lot or fa any arc ehte 1 I me put up for this market come with alii baah h aal rid see fee our good and ad n ow oa will haaf WO we alpo alaa wish to purchase a few hundred CA cn I 1 ii i t HORO DICK Irly GERARD Is aillem 11 OLIVER B FILLET IV ULTON B MON WORKS second 4 carr sis st low louis GERARD B ALLEN CO I 1 A high and loly lev 1 pressure pres r stem boilers apet work and nd grist M mill 11 machinery tobacco dibacco tri 04 bard rd lard screw vand and ba brass nl ITO iron Catl caz ng of ex 11 te cirl lr saw mill of abo 1 page pae rl childs Paie tita 10 it ld al 0 A 0 0 NOTICE WE having taken the house formerly occupied ly by gilbert geirtz b C 1 l camp amp fi floyd yd it will 1111 in future le be well a good assortment of goods and ono one ot affee aft ft partney ta del M be b here hera all the iha time our friends wm will P pla call and see u 1 j 39 aalf if GER 1 NOTICE T de go partnership heretofore e esting letteen let yeen the I 1 at t FLOTD FLOT D Is hereby dl mold by lo coli colment rInt ent Ds der er bools 6 tco v co at a camb floyd are t uth to their bostc rn iff GILBERT gi G i WANTED A FEW good mules in ex changa f 19 working attla aply to 2 tt GILBERT G 1 it A U WORK CATTLE I 1 HO 00 YOKE of work ca cattle tile in LUV good litt li 1 tt tf GILBERT fc a WAGONS JUS JUST T A ARRIVED R R I 1 VE D FIZ THE S SWE ta ats stock OCIZ WP WB HAVE JUST RECE RECEIVE DOS K LARGEST LARGE OP OF dry goods liquors rats a 4 cap boots joo 4 shoes shoe chains hardware doodt ila harness r n c ss saddles Dr bridles idles ad GRAIN 14 I 1 which we i ill for clour and fact act all ki kinds d of Coun country tiry produce our flock ha be 91 ol of ab pec y wall daitel to the wants of the people itou we a dealt the lie fo 0 i and rid la large ge dealers genera 1 to baths laths the b no them to offar 3 them in tact such ind TVS a will 1 1 taw t ALSO 1 bargo wa 15 light WAGON AVIV i M io tsal airi M 1 tt |