Show somo of tho hardships of abo rural editor aro exposed by tho rockville Rock villo kan globe in touching word wo arc under for an invitation to attend a eliop nt abo nw n w hoehm in city friday cven ins wo regret that balking bulking is 0 o bad between hero and there that it is impossible for us to attend alio connecticut fiumano society is to receive one eighth of the income of or booco under tho provisions of hie will of tho lato junitia 1 bristol of rono SAX FRANCISCO calabo CALT bo in Bubi tanco tho following inar vel W P tho pioneer ot tho chaat make a statement 0 tho intonte suffering of his friend colonel DJ an army ot distinction and BH kic U S condol congol who wa hi tho printer ot 1861 2 with violent iu alim so aront wa hi agony in aft r acara ho became ft helpless cripple aal trying numberless tho baths laths of other countries and spending a fortune of the to assume a more vi type finally ho was pi tan lol to try Jacoba St oil tho great coc 0 pain it a ot curo in a to tho chronicle ho confirms adda I 1 alvo my tion to abo truthfulness of abo statement I 1 feel certain that a knowledge of ny curo by st jacobs oil will provo tho means of relieving of sufferers yon arc over head and cars in debt bo cause you paid your hatter reans sim ditc itc till THE VOLTAIC co ot alch olter to semi their TAIO and other on rial foiw clays to nion young or old nervous loss of vitality and all troubles many oth complete restoration rost oration to health no cl corred as 30 days trial ii allowed arito free A CUTAWAY jacket Is tho proper costuma for an elopement foil DISEASES cocchi acte effectual relief is found in alie uto of bronchial troches irico cab WITH tho drunkard alto ii reel retla dalphia chronicle ir soro ryca pr tame ryo water sell it ac A young nian one who gota bis clothing on credit sun ABOUT no n nt rhys ioian dr william hall a nn I 1 lungs whick was of lucli wonderful cy that it soon gained a wido li antry tho is DR wu balsari lor l OR TUB LD nga inn may at locks millis but ho very complacently ou coachmen cudgel I 1 wo aro prepared to provo it by the word of god bor 0 B kail or A J nason Woodhull BENJAMIN was married at tho alco of twenty one he discovered lightning shortly afterward alt erward DROPS cure in soap beal and 1 hilam r anil burrd lahout the knife honic ro free L konoloin Kon A annh axt hit h it mahn in hr world 1 takli alan i slice ira munt po n aric linart lin rt antl S a 1 V tal torn live roboe I 1 mm or in r w cu iiii handbook hand book FREE rn i w wi C binl lun J SW annd school 1 l aly k luEi it nok nil il la fc coliny 0 I 1 I 1 annl in arn b ni ill lo 10 uk k n kuil eliud ir T nn in arit i 1 I tamp for an y i th lul fiur li n p I 1 rAN TOH wah r mr tilh ti lh iala trac aj arc JONS of I 1 NY ov iby SIZE U OFFER ORESTS EEVi r THE of till alio nf nril c tt fanyi hint ht jtb ach irell a ibe to abe kl cllon of 1 tint AT accoti for lt curtit crr tit dutner alli coopas bd will two lour atu md f ta iliac it alt W 17 E st NyM nymfa fc i poll ly atu wl ITCHING PILES i iff ii hi T et t li lui s tn i iise AU r 1 i M griir ril n jilin nil rl itch nry TT lr II 11 ti hll hl fux aiu ui BO nit ants jaa JA 4 L w losif 10 or r fijn nn i Miina iiii I 1 tt ril aar em DISEASES e a l 1 ht od CATARRH 9 1 cf ely cram lm I 1 m cured flys of I 1 could cm B fruct pa 71 cy re com ard lne f pr t it ilir elmr urt U rt n ilcin co y jul ux i n ellch i ayd n c crisni allm ITT 0 i arm amin cuic to it lia A curt H r U jj jucar car CL ll 11 la V ajr floru upon t f pl ft I 1 ol 01 rim on rn d lilt n acl rv tiiu rf irli n L ly bull loci flan oraku LYDIA E VEGETABLE COMPOUND is A i roii all ahr painful nil 0 o tai umon arl 1 I n 1 l 1 IF lk aai tin rollf if ani aaa ft dm an II 11 A c ladan ar lallar it will ortrun tr oolf alon anil luia ma wc ilmo nl in adapt 4 to alti t ucb tor binl Wrt nf ita ll 11 cum Clil nr HAA si ramn an nl nl liall fulti that bran alon ro rl B 1 benl i ir tabb balry nw td fulfill fulfil on J H TAB mi BALM A efti can til THROAT AND I 1 il or I nl ach tro to 1 laig lea and rooth ln c brynell Tr ynell 1 1 atom nj lr J ll 11 MT n ax 11 ll ilala 1 th boli romilly that hlll afif hlll 11 ha ciurej bunn 11 other romalic h all lilliy iraa inar oni dij tr ucb a it ou for croup it in a pi 1 livi Hc to and Seak tr tho TAR X HALM ba bala achy nc Hy bucier ln which K 11 nth feurt alii it will taro throat cure that bad cold stop that cough who li n on 1 throna air arf hal antl dr Y wl r iz the er af inelo 1 l 1 I lr 1 11 an rn tir alno nl H fir 1 I ch arclo 1 of in nl I 1 ht pu notion tirra the larl hull barf if bit oot pla i th rn tn 1 a I 1 r 1 an fn B ll 11 crr one tronc A will bi 0 tb iaci kill from alcia daj ilni isalin cod in our lloil in nl no ir box ol 01 I 1 it I div it me 11 clay bldr lalion un J 11 M till hiie liala lo 10 beal trial bottens as ceaf each ian K nil tham only br Kip if you 11 nl m att amouel lo 10 hotle I 1 fill conj cne larn rr ahl duill lre nix anos aj much a hebi cant lu 1 W or li hoil live SW ahr J 11 HLEX ame BILU li nio bear from oa by DR J H cor and ll 11 st ST louis mo c IH J li U ikaku okd fOSi riER THE SONG GREETING arl 0 ao tL HOK A arll arko Mi of clr iii in mul lu vo rl thi arc allut ahll he B iiii i ivnik nis bo retail price for con ifju per dozen and how to sing thorn Su ool ion tonii anil oilier any chool giuila ICK will in at by lie cabal alir are 61 ID dumber uy wu L csc soc ftp of responses and sentences church service by 11 dow jot tho book lv clety choir hit hm lo 10 clue A cap of 7 lucli appan li ll 11 imra 17 per dozen aar billil mil lil fur rrell price LYO 1 Clil cuzo ailt alt t CO lah ikan U lullu I 1 anu to kni r ir oom 1 I 01 nn nf 11 II on or ellry vhf I 1 TM WAKI i annay ark f fuer lo 10 t better n on to buu wo wll again sell during iho month of december on ohp leall mant plan sa lo 10 par month valto us early for a catalo gua and prices espo bially 11 you want tha inspru ment boford tho holidays every instrument will bo sent on FIVE DAYS TRIAL and guaranteed for 6 YEARS Aa droBs WEAVER CO i york pa ual J 11 kidney balm LIVER AND KIDNEY CURE la tb boru will alli td arf al allm at tho hift alda mj an altif rr fit Kut in hf hart iff ow clad arr sanni in U f abate ituau or DT LIVER 01 BLADDER U XO IT ST J it hanni coran cor jn price 31 per bottle six bottles for ta DU J II 11 liver and taft iro 1111 lam pin abr adira ID the uarl Un rl jhb th kinu uh borl larr nl af in fan clr t alch if ant pro ilac cirioni ol 01 r dr J II 11 Ml alini ini liar ad will atrit lt riT bil tb avi oil corcell of lh nl oriean bj the MU c 11 II d ol 01 ibar natural folco with dr J 11 Sl Iii tad of CA of bigit Ti git catarrh lf hint of tin howth ln Ummi coff owal if mil rc evv rmel in tait of ln uror mut aenry AM nry 11 alio lu ol 01 atou pr p r OR of lh pun cia eelk to bed will prodoc n amy tu of lh bol and balai tb into a 01 ol ur J II 11 sl lo nd lillou cot M nu cbill mil cao bt nt tj oil UD udilla iloa bof SU DR J II 11 st loul mo for my free catalogue of J II 11 OWN fieldfare Field Farm garden flower seeds tailor gait diess linings in hopr t n i i rim ni on all funn aj imrij by allx abrl in w it loblon ail barit sull liy itic I 1 allin in l crupe arl alneil a rut elili alic pran of I 1 rh fim alio llio t K fl anc atif nl lo economy lio lct ann lilar ibi coluni co nuni dlhau alir DUI rial ilone tha alil arny ro ahn T ry lale la colv nl it anil lor liedl of laic lu nr i i ak auy for ri ha al evl acu alx lx nil ut it a well known of lie til coin 10 it that ion I 1 aby litcey par aahl vcr valuable Not liln ou bartl will inako ecna liy alko to dose ant to ati of food it a alo prevent an ac sold or ty all fr LH arm 21 cant alo in lust tsin fur breeder oe prica tl by enill t U circular ant I 1 S JOllN SO CO lio iliP am GET B ES rM ATCHLESS FRANZ LISZT unrivalled UPRIGHT AWARDED PIANOS HIGHEST HONORS GREAT improvement I 1 WORLDS PUREST BEST exhibition MUSICAL TONES FOR SEVENTEEN YEARS ONLY AMERICAN ORGAN GREATEST SUCH AT ANY ELEGANCE AND 22 to durability forcash RENTED cataloguer catalogues CATAL PRICE LISTS FREE REGARD tham AS THEODORE THOMAS ra THE MASON co YORK I 1 T T v sawing eliade easy monasch LIGHTNING SAWING MACHINE OIT OI T FIT I 1 1 c cn binl finn r ml J I 1 frrtz a coif 1 7 J i A t lf 14 cm kil IO 10 fl abd 7 if avant af elmr n I 1 Mf tny arlt r illel ill ll 11 11 in bior ilu 1 11 li int 5 r 1 fw B banc 1 lia ca t st cucco m I 1 rr r thi th i bori 1 iho rt lill ulf ii yoitai hii i TWO not T ia fuss i V IOA 01 K on ahll J dajda the datril ganir Sa nir armon rev C H AND rev DR TALMAGE foj itei tat ajon lh frahn 1 lw of i an it torr ftak arnt if air wark arm atu atto ui in THE CHRISTIAN HERALD ayn inifi ur risi iv alft rr trim C ft T arnu We leil aaen nir cl nil 1 aloth Alot 3 iu R U AWARE THAT climas flo l fofi Lo rUUrd il itofe that that tb ant and cl caes A N K 11 chos TO alrae uj you nw lie la alir paper to loor anil aher loir tt M r |