Show HE GO A alio licett ivino and till sent t arrit him W VA december 8 sarah A ot IS raxton one of roost remote counties la the slate sidoro out a warrant last friday for the arrestor arr estol her hubband jacob who thc jhc said hid and maltreated mal treated her shamefully and two assistants acro ecat to to make the arrest the most ample preparations were maiac to capture who is nearly acut leilh and a hercules in in a little shanty on the aldo ol 01 the mountain the officers found their man and him to surrender lie answered by firing on them sah a winchester rlue tho the lire and others la the shanty with urca a volley from guny and revolvers the airing was kept up for over an hour when the all of them severely wounded withdrew for re and warrants war ranta for chiso who bad assisted plyman A squad of deputy constables will leave here today to day to capture the fortress aud bring ltd to ISra court house |