Show IN THE annit our ablo and worthy coloin alio news hit abo unil on abo ho ul last friday evening in mending po alc plc to nofa longer tamely submit 11 abo low down slanders and abuso arm alio journal i alic tho salt lake tri abid other brinz abbot nf 1 cili auvo for yanis alo liberty to bot only man anro nuovo reproach but of refined and highly moral and virtuous indies lavo abo of alio alyin abacot wo heartily heir tily indorse abo teab bious for libel should ba instituted and abc mado to kiy abo penalty nf their tor they arc and havo been for years class of criminals that oica dabbled in billing sito falsehoods it is to be bocol that abo suggestions nf the news will ba acted upon until alio is A tow rigidly prosecuted would put a quietus on this wholesale corrupt slander judge borenin want t succeed his honor judge S P aniss in alio presidency of this district there can ba no doubt that bo is hard ip fur a little cash inu as ho has learned the great mistakes lo 10 made in thinking ho could make more iu pleading it abc bar than sitting as judge it is not that ho should desire to get back again but litigants in this district havo booro use for him as a judge than choso cf tho thaid district havo as a lawyer we aro sincere in the liia ion that hi beat policy would ba to abandon all idea of cai her bench or bar aud accept an appointment as a methodist lie has something of a gift in abal lino aad would bo moro likely to mako a success than in anything wo can think of this is not intended as any slur upon the denomination to wo a member of that church we could most earnestly and recommend the same thin anene is an cabri being made in the senate of he united states to a pension law for alio llio benefit of mexican ajr soldiers it 1 s to bo hoped that such a law will be passed independent of political parly the veterans remaining arc bot numerous corn parati acl y s caking and in the main they are far advanced in 3 cars and it may well be said of them abat thoy will not require the amount very ion the passage of a gene ril pension la w would do justice to very inacy who arc invalids but lack the of their injuries as t having been contracted in the oud in the lino of duty as required by law TUB birmingham em Posts nys at tho assizes at gloucester giggina WAS with bigamy at not having hoard binm her husband for ten yc ira she oil ho WAS not alive ana had married faaiu thu husband who had left tho prisoner five weeks after ho was married hal also committed lu aimy tho jury found tho prisoner guilty but recommended her to mercy and the audgo sentenced hor to one days imprisonment anc virtually adroit that their mission to abo mormon lias not haid the effect Tuey hivo failed to frighten the saints out of preach ina or practicing it although mapy have bacu of the ma iries of new zea land anro tho under tho ahing 0 tho lutar day saints tho new york brou of date appears in of money being got on a check raised from 10 to at paterson N J elicio tho original figures were removed by some process so i that no alteration could bo detected even with a trong magnifying glass |