Show independent PARTY elsewhere in this issue will be found what purports to bo tho birth of tho mens independent party winch appeared last weeks was issued and c no opportunity for a reply abo election whilst it is designed to do injustice to auy one we slate the fact incidentally eliat nearly forty who voted their ticket liberals who are ready to jump onto the lack of any horse that runs against tho peoples party their first is that they were deprived of a vote or voice in the peoples baity primary meetings this is not as they the young havo taken the liberty to and oto as they pleased and only last year give the majority in favor of a young man many of the older inc inborg desired to excuse As to how ho represented them is another point we leayo them to settle amon themselves also at the meeting held to bring out candidates for last ys they aye and loudest nf all notwithstanding they acro already organized as au independent they claim to have elected their candidates in 1882 every person who ia posted knows that every cartr thoa elected or at any other time regularly brought out by the Po parly and elected by them and the two young men they claim to have elected acro both brought out by tho pe convention and sustained at their ratification meeting tho foregoing aro tho principal grounds on which their platform which follows them ay iy based they think so in dicato that they could retrench abo city mant that would however have to be tested and if they done eo they would ha lo 10 show above the average city officials they claim that the rovanus might bo by taxing all property tho city emits the mayor elect takes the and wo would bo glad to ace such q but under tho united states tal gnp lands out of the of the cities within corporations except in pro coition and tho ruling of the distrust courts io tho bucknor case and a similar ruling in one of our northera north cra cities tho legality 0 such is vory questionable ancl no donby was so considered by iho out going council so far as taking homo products as fir as practicable goes this has always been dono and no doubt will continue to bo so taken this wo believe covers about ill of tho ground and wo ark binyoun oin youn men what tho public would gain by their platform thoro is no particular objection to their choice of men on their anil there uro not on cither ticket in our view equally good and just ns well qualified but all cannot hold office at ono and tho banio time and if acro a dozen dioro carlies only just a certain aum coald bo elected and our youn roon will if they slick by their friends aud not with their find positions seeking them positions all dif fc can easily be iho parly |