Show THE HOCKING VALLEY STRIKERS alic mancra at new in annl St lint present oal alio ano of the miner mated two much work for YORK november IT at a meeting ot the central union yesterday A communication wa read from samuel E dails the secretary hatm i locking valley counter signed by mr C ot the odilo mancra dadd at new 0 in to an inquiry how aid was distributed to the minjorn mr laii writes that on wednesday a number 0 thu live sub met with a general committee at new and lh c cluts worth of clothing food etc to each family the number 0 persons to be so aided Is no money Is distributed to anybody all money received by the committee la bcd to purchase provisions nud clothing the men arc not strikers keis but have been locked out because they refused U accept a reduction ot twenty cents per um which Is equal to sixty cents a day the rates arc seventy cents a ton alio llio average output out put a day la three tons which by the reduction if reduced to out of which must come powder ollieg und tools the actual working la only halt time which reduces to seventy live cents a day the miner claim that alicy should only work halt time at a trade as it kills then off last they have been locked out six months and arc willing to slay out sixteen months more rather than sign tho ironclad iron clad oath demanded ot them the coal corporation can ufford U pay the regular prices as the other companies are doing bo the corporation po ration has publicly declared that it believes the knights ot labor arc at the bottom 0 the trouble and clial locy must destroy that organization upon this communication the central labor union instructed the secretary to ask the various pipers to open subscription lists in aid ol 01 the hocking valley mancra they beaded the list with a 50 subscription ind asked all organized nud unorganized shops to send their contributions through the newspapers the cigar makers progressive union no 1 announced that they have printed lists to bo to all the colonn |