Show OUR MEXICAN NEIGHBORS of alie matr stormy bor U Aln nning fall the air mcg inlang earlous revolutionary outbreaks through out states of t acon nl Is al anol to be had the ll 11 clu irom the cities lulo the ulus anil the nii lilli of thia city havo bacun inin fur two daa patst awaiting trouble 1 I be presumption is thil tho outbreaks are tho outgrowth out groth ot riota in cities on election day d week aso sunday iho town ot that date bran under law the troop lial obtained possession ot Sab craa and the i ani in iho hills near by the revolutionists are reported as greatly outnumbering the regu lars the people sympathy with tho revolutionists general military ol 01 the state has arrived at a ol 01 krubar troops Lam Is on the mexican national hallway about miles south of nuchi larido aej flonia from Montc rcy revolutionary outbreaks arc when 11 la that uia bo in two old hero times ahead |