Show frozen feet last evening a rue waa brou glit in aiom cove creek by mr to point rue lad on liis way to be acio on foot lie is a hat maker bioni salt lake and ilij sani li implements abend of him to fr iaco wishing Wi shiny to ills route lc idaj cul across atie mountains from coin creek by an bid trail but the impeded laid progress and hia feet we re aiu is being baleo care ot by coun t officials baciu no in tohru fir alic cf tuch a case sheriff combs was dispatched to fort this morning to ct permission pur ir hue lo 10 be placed iu the military hospital colonel to hid providing woula alic thit he coula nut bo properly treated in town lug of course the sheriff willingly J n alio llio ambuhl cc beut down athla fur tho liter aliis afternoon however the colonel word eliat no citizen could bo admitted |