Show SCHOOL AND has a population of and sittings for only the presbyterian at mount paran md celebrated recently its iry alic te aching ia schools i illy and surely passing out 0 the nanda of the clergy alin conaci lias alio uio of alic testament in alic catechisms catechi sms A jewish at newark N J leave ando i bold in adopting alic fisli ion of ic movin their hats during in the synagogue alin new Eps copil aiu ih in west virinia nii through of 1 ehrp auroro V ia 1 at ansted nc ir hawks cst county bible revision is roin on in in iny alio new testament was ahou t ten years ao ami alio icard arc now putting alio finishing touches to alio old testament EA ham of las 1 conductor on alic old colony has taken 1 four leave of absence to inaugural 0 a series of revival amon alic in alie rev mr smith of the free Mcl hodil church of fulton N Y h blind lint lie discharges he duties of the lc with lii cifes help alio leini lr church every service occupies alic pulpit with leini anil roads the scriptures and hymns attlas nic clin she ia b ais sido nal informs leini of alic lamca of those alin speak ind alio fail to ilo so eliat he bruiy call upon them to give their testimony mrs lever who is a mexican liy birth and 1 fluent speaker spanish lia ot to cuter na an evangelist the service of alio mexican league alic will an to the city of mexico ami be alic direction of riley prior to lier departure a service was held in the chapel of alic church of alic holy communion in alm city ilio mexicans arc a din people to even by those who speak spanish evangelists who ander tako to labor amon lliam without alio to address in their own tonno make a failure of alic work diio league u in urgent need of money and asks help from hilao who have it to cilc |