Show nevada dots JC l llew ll when alio llio gincley was performed at on tuesday evening a mau app carcil in the liall with a shotgun shot gun in his hands which lie leveled at the head ofilio 1111 and forthwith tho was turned into a coin cily ly alie actor it was a put up job by the outsiders alio smelter for abo month of turned out 3 bara of bullion each liar aug ou an average OS pounds winch malcy a grand total of pounds of bullion for alio month there is it present awaiting shipment six car loads billiou this well for the able ancy of mr lloil elicio lias been considerable aclo antion of mining claims goins on during alio past and in several in stances parties ahne kuo and maliciously talc n up ground they had no right to touch of course this was jono for blace pur bofo in other a claim or two ins been taken up running across several claims one tiling good has occur cd however many of the claims which have been held by parties for cars and novar a pick stuck into them during thal time havo changed ownership firo at st thomas the residence of mrs isaac jannings and the store of her sou clias byars nt st thomas acro fire on the night December of and was a total loss which is placed nt alio very lowest 1000 bleie was lidid ly from alic flames arrs is now ro Biding in a cabin on her and although burned out of lionso nd home that lady is not discouraged this id a severe blow to alio benninga Jen ninga family who after years of hardship and trouble had provided with n comfortable homo by their industry ind on the evening of december yoth says the virginia enterprise about C 0 clock tho loll 1011 house in six mile canyon yaa burned after alio building had burned down the bodies of pollock and wife who kept the tollhouse cro found anong an ong alio ruins an examination of alic remains shiow that alio heads of bolli acro crushed in by homo heavy in nt and it is believed that both acro murdered nud then alio house was to conceal alo crime tho old gentleman was in virginia city during the day and executed a deed to sonio property in anns vania but received no money the suspicion is that one knew ol 01 the executing of alio deed and sup poking eliat the leoncy was received and carried biome murdered tho old couple to obtain it A Be arching investigation vesti gation will be made and woo to abo person on whom the is fixed |