Show anro 0 youn animals this is a fit topic for consideration tho young animals being weaned and deprived of their inick tho most appropriate food for their growth and health the art of ruan now comei into tico in place of natural instincts tho young animal mast be fed audits food and apportioned for it this should bo dono with propriety if the food is not precisely right no excess of quantity will make up for defect in that respect in fact excess of quantity will bo u serious error although tho food should not be of alio very best wo can not hero suggest what foods should be used and can only civo a hint or two as to tho manner of feeding this should bo very cautiously done A young animal is spoiled as soon as it becomes fat for its food is turned from the production of bono and muscle which are needed to the growth of fat which is unnecessary and positively un the food should bo given in finall quantities and often and the ration increased gradually as it may bo found to be disposed of in a satisfactory manner water is is of tho greatest necessity and this should not only bo liberally supplied but it should bo pcr factly puro in feeding 13 0 tho greatest importance do bot reason but they remember their limes of feeding they fret and worry if the limes pass without bringing the expected food and this worry seriously affects them sheep and piga arc especially fretful it their usual time passes by and a flock of sheep thus worried through a whole winter will fail to gain weight although as well fed sm another eliat having been fed regularly may add twenty pounds a licad to their carcasses tho habits and requirements quire ments of each animal should bo watched and a weak timid thing that is driven from its food by belligerent and tyrannical companions bo kept separate the owners ayo should be everywhere and on the continual watch to observe how his stock arc progressing and just now tibia is important because it is indispensable for their welfare eliat they sho uld begin alio winter strong vigorous and robust irish banners 1 during ho recent campaign in new york hardly a public meeting was licud but there was a general resort to circulars forwarded to electors through tho mails the of this method of city delivery shows ais certainty celerity and economy alio work dono in the new york city post office is without precedent A dispatch from that city says tl on saturday two cent stamps and stamped envelops acro sold this represents a total of pieces through tho mail for delivery in this city post officials alio leavo been in alio service almost entire lives say that at no previous election were so many circulars sent through the mails in fact they say that this year three times as many circulars have been mailed as at any other election in the lii story of tho country on saturday tho crowd of matter was so great at two of alio stations that it was found necessary to forward it all to the general office to be marked and forwarded the first delivery on saturday was delayed forty five minutes by tho great amount of matter that had to bo handled and in uptown up town districts on some of the delivery routes the delay extended to two hours this delay occurred notwithstanding the fact that there acro forty additional carriers in some of the acne housa districts four carriers acro required to do the work usually per formed by one the financial failure of pink cottage alio kentucky hospital for miraculous cures has nut dis heartened the llcy georgo 0 isamay who had chargo of tho enterprise lie is about to open a new establishment with a praying band of twenty devout women lie thinks that tho miracles undertaken at pink cottage miscarried because they were not backed by faith and lie will now pay particular attention to that part of the business ho is said to have a following of converts in tho mountain counties of the and flioy believe in him others him a lunatic or fraud all kirn tho chinese student at the marietta 0 college who committed suicide tho other day believed himself married to u girl in cincinnati alio it is stated wrung a promise of marriage from him when alio was huiking at hh boarding place last spring and made him believe it a legal marri igo and a binding contract lie was attached to the girl and becoming despondent spon dent from chagrin at being imposed upon ho at to take his lifo with the usual recklessness ol 01 tho in such mallars mall urs |