Show saved by cold water tho hartford JW tells lie following stoy of a man in who sick with some kind of fever was pronounced by alio local physician to lie beyond hope of A neighbor was ailed in to watch with tho sick man and as there no possibility ef alio patient living through the nii lit he that alio llio family should all retire caily to 11 them ly il una occurred As as lie was alone alie presumably djang man alio ilic with cold i a at a time cuntin bink until an ordinary watce pail full had actually acca t the fever tick man fell asleep late in alic inoru bog to call for food lie was allowed to avit what he warded continued to improve ali basup about liis business tho wo i well aliro to bo no luuba of its accuracy as re corded above jhc thc water used was ob from a well adjacent A novel of cape boj life was in ly williaim co debton iino approved they lic it and ho libit caiti n ot one thousand copies was BO quickly sc 11 that a mccond was eurid out then chioe seven libel suits for an arigalo arc galo of alio biad not only real pc rains in a moat bat had given full |