Show AND Finn SIDE many 0 he most pernicious which farmers have to contend are eagerly by in rally or adf t state and ultimately may be eradicated lu tins way caramela caramels Ca two cups ot grated cocoanut coco anut ono cur ot sugar two of allour tho whites ot agga beaten stilt baku on a buttered paper in n quick oven corn cakes that arc nice for break fast arc mido of one quart of allour one aint of meal teaspoonfuls ol 01 baking powder ono t aas poo n fill ol 01 sugar three tablespoonfuls of melted lard milk enough to miko a iliin battor add salt enough to snit your taste in killing poultry alio french open alio beak of tho fowl and with a sharp pointed narrow bladed knafo mako nn incision nt alic back of the root of the mouth which divides alic vertebra and causti instant death after winch the fortl Is hung up by the legs to blood aliis is a neat and merciful way of doing it mustard ria steM by using or molasses tor mustard plasters they will keep soft aud and not dry up and become hard as when mixed with water A thin paper or line should como between the plaster and the skin alic strength of tho plaster kiy bo varied by alic addition of moro 01 less hour chocolate custard take a of milk and alio bolka of two eggs alia alio agga one tablespoon of corn starch only little li slit this gradually into alio milk when scalded add two squares of gr cited sugar to diali and spread over alic of two agg well beaten anil sweetened and flavored with a liello vanilla yet the whole in the oven to brown slightly lemon chocho cake with caio alio oily lind of thieo fresh lemonski rub this with one quarter of a pound 0 loaf sugar pounded until incorporated corp orated v illi the sugar then sidd alij degrees half a pound of good fresh butter beat very light the belks of sis eggs and add mis these well together llian line A dish with pull paste pul in tho above mixture I 1 sake three quarters of an hour serve hot beef and million anro fast becoming tho popular aliment our large population unused in their former and poorer circumstances to so expensive a food arc greatly increasing their consumption of meat it is a fortunate tiling for it is a matter 0 history lio eaters the best acl people have led iho world in and peace and if alio general consumption of beef and mutton will bring tho united states into alio llio position of the liesl nation of iho or rather keep il there or if to tako il alio other way the first nation of alie world must cal iho most beef and antton then glicr is a promising outlook for graders grai ers aej shepherds cw to use with any kind of laboi cake is made froin this receipt take one pound 0 blanched nl monds pounded to n paste one collee cupful of som thick cream corn starch scalded ia a little sweet milk beat all together and spread alio lavers of cake flavor with a littly almond extract aliis is very rich and is suitable for alio nicest kinds of cako for more co ninion use an in biting arcan may be made in tins wa take a binl of sac ct milk thicken it half a cupful of corn elarch ami liala a cupful if bug ir and boil until alio 01 custard is of tho consistency of starch when almost cool add one of lemon or vanilla and between the layers of cake to c ggs for winter list tako a little less iliin ono pint of un slaked lime and one pint of coarse salt add ono gallon of cold aalur stanl acl and let it stand twenty four hours be foro using then put your fresh egge in alic liquor from time to time as gath ered using astone jarand covering will a board or oilier cuvar keep in aa cool a place as convenient I 1 have died this recipe for his last ten or twelve years ami have had the winter through can thoroughly roc ommund aliis recipe caution mut b observed to use coarse salt also nut tc employ too much lime lut alic anro for the latter be as alic rule says s little less than a pint to each gallon 0 water i c a scant pint cor N Y |