Show LOCAL MARKETS All Alt kinds of ot smoked are ore In tha thin today tOda Including the shIp lII nt of lit srI with I Ii smoked in olmon n Inti nil ball halibut iut from tram the tue coast Fresh ll lI h ar nr are In Iii lo goud and the tho market t tIn In this line I is regular New eo pecan nuts alIt ft I its 5 and oram si aiu 1110 ic ii iri log wit tit with ii h I r ices H u ut I I tt io lower I In III u the E fruit frill t tand and Iol Is III being market mantel Id eti hurts hac beon itcH lee iso but t ii OIA me plentiful pie ii I I Cu I two tvs en nr r toads loLl S Inn having v lit g ii nr i rt d Ia last lul s I night t SrI with tin distribution Ii S ion t In 11 u tIny There nr ore reports lint Hint has havo been beon killed alt olt h by liy frost no so that attention Is U heln being turned toward Imported 01 Apple lulies lire are In lit Rood good demand Receipts of or poultry mo small I ci lid tIn till market I Is III stoutly Alfalfa iu IH up 50 RO cent n It ton tOil and Tim fbi Timothy othy tho tIme BO me mI In Is t up tup H to c ewt nt Iy have risen 50 ro c III hut but It II IH Is flo not believed the they wilt go IW higher P ache nr art no more cucumbers but hul RI III ape fruit spinach b elo currutH urn lire In III tho the market Sturgeon too tori coo air no now be he had at fit 15 U 0 silts cent Th Irke In Iii the tIme local market today an aU I U HT tl I Timothy per lieI cwt 7 f 0 I turn per cwt cl IMI IM I Torn orn cracked per vt Wheat per cwt t 1 tCO Barley Bailey lolled per ler ser nt 01 t per owl cwt I lSD 80 Flour straight grade per cwt SOO high per par wt 2 SO 20 an short Straight shorts 11 Corn meal uneal per lIer cwt ewt MEAT TH AND OD POULTRY beef boet lb II Ils 1 pork lb III i l lell veal lb lit 12 Dr Dressed ed mutton lb Ib 9 H U Dressed Dressell lamb lb III 10 20 Lo Laid Id I U r lions hens lb It I rol spring lb Ib MH ni Broilers each DAIRY PRODUCTS falter lb lit 30 I lb ll eggs V Eastern cheese ehens lb Ib 35 95 FRUITS AND AD hopes Fresh Freeh lb 20 80 Herman prunes Plum p peek ck 80 Turnip lI 2 I So tJ Can each Utah watermelons melons lons 1040 0 3 I lb Ibs 25 95 Turnip per r k 20 t per pel It pk Ilk 10 41 O IMI pk luk 20 lQ each 10 Utah I celery elery r 5 Orange lI per Ier box 50 O Citron eich erh 15 CUll Concord cord d guts lisle 4 t po ii doz 1101 40 O Lima 0 er ell 34 30 plants each 10 Ii per luor lb Ih li r been Oreen 2 for 3 Mixed nil nut I two 10 pounds 3 Si two ils bunches R S ii Ii lutat potatoes per 1101 hll hul OS u lettuce e 8 v heads v 25 e v v vI I 25 Pine apple each I Itle per s got gill l HO tO Honey 1 15 Pate 20 0 Dr Dry Iry onion onions I hu hel el OO 00 C 6 lbs HIM 5 bol I lou for 01 10 11 Maple sugar per 11 lb It fl M beans per lieI er It lb Ih 11 10 i 2 for fol R 4 for fOI 10 to Summer mutH h each 5 Hubbard quash 1 13 Caul r Z 3 lb llis 25 as asA A Apple l Ilk ocr iT Potatoes potato 5 S 1 Mu iB 36 35 Pumpkin I Hell Bell pepper 3 lb lbs 0 IS Hot peppers pepper pound 15 IS FISH 1 Halibut pound 15 5 imite lIeu llah h 20 0 Sea Pea IMM per pen pound IS IG Shad pr per pound 15 IS I ie ItI er I pound 15 HonaU Jonata per pound ISel I Sel lt Oysters Ier per Can onn Sel ol per pOI quart 00 Standards Standard ll lei ICI cr M roo PI You K fount pt jur 1111 r dor 23 Kippered salmon per or lb ft ad Million lOund fc 1 11 COil fish pound 15 U Perch two foi tOI 2 bass lIal pound JOund 20 o of f Bole olet two for or 25 23 r rT T Flounders Flounder two for 25 pound 15 Catfish pound 15 Sturgeon rem per pound 15 1 W II 0 I B A IE Alm p fiCi r ton 1000 Timothy 1 1103 M Wheat Shat hAI 1 per r cwt I Corn per cwt Os t Corn cracked per wl st 14 Oat III 15 1150 Hurley tolled lolled per cwt cost 2 Flour family CannIly per cwt Flout grade pet 1181 Mr owl Flout Flour high ilIum per ler SOO OO Bran and shorts aborts loo Straight shorts Corn m meal l per owl T flY Creamery hUller butter pound 2 i Ranch butter hutter 23 32 l pound ii 11 Ranch Hunch eg eggs egg M ro fancy tany cheese 16 AND d b beef hect cf pound Dressed pork pound s Dree veal veRI pound S SJ J Dressed d mutton pound Lard U Ure ed p pound und 16 U liens hen IL U hens hen pound M Broilers ch Live LIe I U |