Show MISS ROOSEVELT COMMENDED FOR HER TACT III Ill PHILIPPINES Wash Oct Or E lieu Hen ii I Ii fin 1111 go cent a i Neit 1111 t it Vi i iI I V Iule Inland uI or of mu arrived ceth I HIM m ft the blue I huh II I no U tiO tt ut 1 us d to of u I ho hI 1 iii inputs In ii ciulli of or probable trouble thai might follow the bItt II by II MU MIss Alien Alice 1100 to 10 the schismatic bishop of Manila who vho I Is II at t to In up lip a Catholic IU din dinc c reps cepl i e Independent of lilt authority at It It Is alleged thiu in Is r felt fell 11 at III the that Vatican on tim of ot Miss Minn action I was Will In tim at III t till itu I time line Mid Mr Ir and that Miss Hlo iI allowed id cd excellent social tact In Ian her le la eption of ot both Malinger t the tue Unman Heating both hoth It with Ith equal na rlou II lie was wu the quilt opinion In ion Inn of ot ill 11 Americans At itt 1 no time HM Was rt 1111 any marked n nand smith and the oung woman acted just jUll as tilt should chiantI a tt daughter of or a pre president nf th the lilt Slates tat d all cre creeds and re rl religions tare are recognised alike There IIno Is II no Ito state church In lit the bhue Philippines un tin under tier der American control I remained in il Manila three w eh aft after r th the Taft hart parly let left mud I 1 heard no imo complaint of or oran an any act Ret of ot the |