Show shall we have it a fair why not boost fo 01 r a county fair asks the beaver county news that is a 4 question wo we have been trying to solve forsea for several months past beav beaver e r county lias bas held two fairs in the past and they have haie done more for alie county than ten thou sand dollars in any other kind of advertising would have leave doge A and nd advertising is the only way that we will ever U find to put our county where re it belongs at th alie e head of every A etli other er county in the state A nier merchant cliant would no sooner think of going into business without advertising than without goods on his shelves sli olves and a town tov n or county works on the I 1 same principle if we expect people to conic come lwi here 6 and make their homes we must lot let them know what we ive have here we must just let them know that beaver county lias has more natural resources than any other county in ill TJ aih wo we must tell the alie world of I 1 I 1 our great mineral deposits deposits of our wonderful agricultural lands of our thriving cattle industry and our fine horses we must let them know what kind of people we are and liow i prosperous we are we must show allow them our comfortable 1 homes and bea beautiful u ticul farms garilis and we must shiow them that we are j hospitable lind and arta good class of people to live 1 amongst when we do this our county will come collie to the front and i stay there when people col come colfle among P us s aliey generally P t tay and inthey stay they alley 1 will if i f v help 1 ua boost oos o os r ta this ais is is I 1 a com of boasters boosters bo and a kno knocker elcer cannot live here long 0 we dont want em cm and now it is up to these boasters boosters bo to boost for a county fair this fall lets have the best fair in the state we have bave the best foundation for one and if we use what we have to good advantage 0 we are the ones who will reap the benefit lets get this thin thing started the time is get ting short |