Show THE SCIENCE OF HEALTH there is ia now being organized n c committee oni of tono ono hundred of tho cn association fur for the alio advancement of alio llio r c lence of health ono one of tile ninin in ill objects in in view is to iacre increase ase re deril and indirectly state re n public health it if tile tho people w ere moio enlightened upon tile tho methods of preventing discalo and tho the conditions it low nud and mental bevc development and ency by tho introduction i into our public I 1 schools of a sim pimple ale of study perta pertaining illi ng to tho the ni at d functions of digestion tho itic object and selection lection Eo of toads the application of n few simple remedies how to jo feed it und alil dress infants Infant li the benefit of fresh lt ft r and tile tho storing of too many kids in ore bedio bed icom oro it NY would lour ur alio death rate it is a estimated estimate A blat tl at tho the department of agriculture expends annually about soven million dollars in the iho improvement men t of health ll 11 alth of tho the lower ant ani mals and planta that it largo clims slims in relieving hog cholo ruf hundreds 71 AA A i 0 of thousands hi in the protection or clit c lit kioes I 1 potato il nn tsin in abo tion of bugs to forti lizo tin 14 blossoms 14 arid and in ili i alio exterminating of poisonous weeds and s within the past ton scars cars this department has over forty six million cl dollars ollars for such pur I 1 V bur not a adm d m cent directly to viro prevent vent low physical rind and mental efficiency or igno ignorance ranco that I 1 arn am aware vare of R J a ban band of sli sheep evil get the rot or arii it herd of horses hort th get tile glander glandora glan dorp F or if catalo are arc thing dying front from black lag or alot a lot of pot do doyn 8 become infested with worms a fhate tat will inter intervene vano through yli its officers and furnish tile means to stamp out tho causo hut not a dollar arollar will it to tn getlid or of pneumonia Government fi nic aio moro inclined to f means bonnato to tho the causes of di dibase ease fo tant you inay lay know what kills ou oil than to nid aid y ou in relieving yourself your pelf relf from dit dieca 0 it i ft a fair estinia to to say that one and a linof millions million of rf will dio did ill tho united states stater during tho the next nest twelve months ellid that four millions will ho bo pick fill all tile tho tillin tl mo and that during tile nest census cenatis per period kocl about six million infants will dio die and about eight million of our population will ill rapa off in that hint tittle time with still file I bovein bieni dout fedin fi aln to bo be half as ali so facts ns as it docs about 1 1 1 he election 1 1 tho the biow I 1 ot ol remedies common household remedies for tile cure of tile tho sick or hio file art of it thoM as it is ballod b by bi i physicians who dont hoenk english should bo be taught to beonie ey e tent at least in tho the public schools es CB specially ally tile tho use of common and wafe pm venta tives and the uso use of common know knowledge ledga in tho the prevention of dienso dien die ense sc should coin comprise ariso a part of the tha lum the health of nine pe persons ans can bo be maintained through the knowledge and uso use of a few remedies where one can bo be cured by tile tho best treat ment who ii allowed to become disca bcd alin oll dapo aage a satch in tn time linio wod inno if tha people were uni verg vcr alli informed of the dringer in tho the use of c canned roods goods and cold eggs as aa food the death rate would become materially lessened |