Show MAY LOSE HIS H I 1 S SIGHT sa s1 last friday ft adny evening philo anderson And tho 11 14 year old son of Villi nii anderson sustained in all injury which shiell may yet ct provo fatal tile tho boy and it companion wa wai ruling riding toward their homes on south crock driving sonio cows cow tile Ando rions hoyn lionso collided with one of tile cov corts knocking kno oking her town down and throwing the boy on oil ilia his tuco face into a big 11 rabbit brush A ploce of lyli asli elearly nn an idich in diameter en tereL just below tho the eye rangdy 11 11 downward tu to the roof of it the mouth tuo util 11 istance ih tance or 3 belles il 1 irad tho ali sliver run nin in any other dirac ion would havo in n few minutes dr mcgregor was called at once and in extracting the piece of doaa frum f rom the boys face anco the great fear now is that blood blod poisoning may inny betin in which case recovery would be 10 doubtful but with alti annor of blood poison eliminated there will bo be every clinna for the patient |