Show I 1 A CURIOUS PROPHECY try an or a curiola prophecy of tho ot coith americ i nere wo dud says avast stock if proper tor fiina arcs ot yorlli raoui ho to the iron ore haying tills metal dioro alinn BOM fand allver will employ ot not only 10 form t lie anil peaceful bitely but utensils iu the ot art abil all her works lifts tt an on nain cly abat nu ct IB to ltd beat purpose shill not basit tacui with stone for lo 10 ailed riled Into alij dioso for into alie la roes even shall 0 ye unborn 0 america should alii i n ia its cou nt hie yani s end and Ic sible when your eyes behold ha las rolled alio seasons around for two or tarco centuries more ou vi il know that in anao 1758 wo dreamed 0 your times |