Show to the future As alic work of god progresses in the future the evidences of the divinity of its origin will multiply it ii expected lint in course of time alic proofs will to patent thai inacy of alic and more or ici conspicuous people of the world will be led to ii estimate alio claims of alie to a divino origin they will be struck with the correctness and elevating character of its principles and embrace but the foundations of abia work have been laid and lonii far it ha been d by the poor the lubck aud alic of attic earth those who trusted implicitly in alic arm of god ali ha con luicir power and greatness I 1 and has been ul for it is decreed clial no llesh lory in 11 is proc in connection with ins work none be ablo to I 1 accomplished labor i ao au lus predicted kiy of the arc it aar alic of alic world come to the future lihs of zion mil identify etli alic anik of it will lie iry for alic to lie arc parc ilor hint special fit alic one of the elements of preparation anut bo clial t ic people of ion not take i course thai possibly po sibly injure thai ilass allu shall willi and humble l cart embrace the irule the lord is no of alic poor and atio are abul meek 33 to liin as learned anil from n wor worldly llly point of MCW to treat a of the 1 description as if lie was 01 farrin a avor upon alic lord ami alic church by associating willi it must be a injury to liviu iiii not in unison ivi li aliu genius of tho gospel of alic jesus a course would be liable to giochini nn erroneous and norl to liis it is not nc cordin to alio llio of alio llio di vine plan it is not in harmony grand irule that tins is not alic boil of mun bua of goil As the larua when not a few of alic learned and of alio earth will embrace the it is alic more r taic lunan aliis one lesson hint cans nic displeasing in alic salil silil anil aliat nil man 10 god in ami ahli lion cst ore collic love respect alioti nna c of alic airl il ii ali pliny of cadi to pcr boim diligently nd alic particular liOt lion of alie work I 1 lin finla la lah luja of alio arc to alic affairs of alic elkina ec kina to do rot liis own will ciul alic will of tin lord a cl fogli lu alic rural i lions lewco lew ct yens |