Show republican SHIP the and pirty ot idaho a ot in congress lhnn it liis this the cormons mormons have evidently determined to volo and they will 0 support the who mill pet his aiom the board whose duty it Is to issue such when lie goes to ton the republican givlio will certainly have received a lair of nil the lesal votes cabit will lil cat alf v prove that but or hie or moi inori the licin lic in candidate would have n ot 1500 to 2500 tho house will lie kc as alic kinle is because only alx viles aru to in oin nnie alic country h oppose tr rice trade alie major liy will bo compelled to by Us platform which places mormon find oilier traitors beyond ilio palo 0 law and alio lr given bis scat the idalio have luera boio a positive 0 victory this acir alicy be careful to put their very aniu in noni alic foregoing is from abo wood kiver paper published at II ailcy idaho the spirit of political corruption permeates it through and through briefly slated il amounts to this that if the republicans ore in alic majority in alo senate and in the house n democratic from idaho will nol be given a scat occil q bority vote of alic citizens of idaho the excuse for such an outrageous course as hie one proposed is alic voting by certain atho arc mor mons the republicans of idaho nus not going to in because the principle ami policy of that parly arc deemed by the people to give I 1 he best promise for lie future of idaho uli no alicy abc going to win because alic cormons mormons abc unpopular and the republicans cau ignore their lights we have thought aliat the republican platform was faulty in many particulars tic ulars setting foitle principles that in this republic bill we never dreamed that it placed any class of citizens beyond pale of law in fact we were not aware before that a parly platform could place any citizen beyond alic pale of law no doubt there arc members of the republican party alio would like to ba placed beyond the pale of law themselves so llian they could trample upon borne of their fellows with no one to make them afraid nut fortunately for alic citizens of t uc united slates all arc to law md while may for a lime prevail ibo law is found to assert itself in tlc alc end if alio cormons mormons of idaho alicy will vote according to law and conye fluently votes will count aliis fact is what troubles some of their enemies the tricksters trick a tit ti t i r attempt to comply v itai so american a measure as hie lest oarb law of idalu and now they arc desen |