Show AJ till attlio to let a deputy inai in into glicr proper is to be for lier bravery and good WE have received alic borth american jlmes thiis number contains a variety of papers upon subjects 0 interest among llie of noted contributors arc aund prof WC V A va judge W L gail bp jno J keane edwin r fand I alward ev critt tle subjects discussed iro Slin ll til vcr be car Tard incas of justice what is alic calholy Cal holc polica alio wearing wc aring habit and hon dross tm instructions of judge 0 M bowers the lat neck of court al to the effect that committing magistrates should he careful to know aliat they have a for binding a perso over to appear bhore lie grand jury they 10 lo so good timely and bd noticed it is not a j for a person 0 o be confined con lined in for several s lie Is of any crime or before lie is proven guilty verc also given magistrate in liand witnesses alic rift furj as a lion to society A inisi guilty of crime be he be lk il miles le proof of alic offense anil to linvs I 1 proof alic awitin asis must be sc |