Show AN EARLY nomination sy T ju boona was dietel dieted by the illinois legislature aticy an and contest to alic senate of the united jv cn a banquet a time ago by w tain members of the union league clabia the city of chicago anum A num of gentlemen were present and by one of them general logan was formally nominated as the republican candidate for president in 1888 the nomination apparently hearty endorsement of bwy of those present as i is said that login 1 logan awag the cry that proceeded from A hundred and fifty full sized throats it till be remembered eliat gen i ogan was a candidate for the vicc arci dancy on tho republican ticket of last fall anait will also be noted that tailed to gain the election it seems that the victory of losan in gaining the after so hard a struggle has inspired enthusiasm in some 0 bis friends to such an c hopeful of success fa att national congest wath him as their leader it is said that james G Blain dias not given up all hopes of occupying the highest office in the gift of the people of this great country lumbers in his bosom a strong desire to obtain that position and it may cause a little anxiety on his part to watch the of his former frands annd among those who are thus early naming john A logan as the next candidate for president arc found former firm supporter of however hope are fiill of vanity in political affairs it has frequently happened that a name prominently before the country for a long period of lime as a candidate is left out in the cold during the heated excitement of a nominating convention and obscure person elected the uncertainties of the future arc so full of disappointments that we arc in to any that the nomination of gen logan is rather premature |