Show THE APACHES i for a number of years past apaches have been a terror to the of lonely districts near where they have been to roam many liscs lave lccy lost and trouble aud has been wen the government to quell and sul due the apaches when bicy have ta ken alo karpath warpath war path during the past few weeks soldiers of the U army have been engaged fighting tins troublesome tribe it is said that ranch settlers upon tbt little colorado lave been moving into settlements for protection protect fon the arft published at it bolins advises its friends to stick pretty close to the settlements authentic information is received that gironimo and his bandoff arc subdued especially to sec that no women or children arc left exposed cs early settlers of tins country can appreciate thea security now felt against troubles pt this residents of anzona and new mexico they can sense the situation where families arc in danger when perhaps fathers and have to bo on guard night and day against alie attacks ot indians on alic war path in reading and reflecting upon the doings of the apaches many incidents of early lii story and experience peri ence will no doubt he called to mind there cau be a good deal written and inucci said of the heart d by the wars and troubles with the red men of the forest many ol 01 these sad events been avoided lad wisdom and justice been used by the while liaa in dealing nith the natives of the country the apaches have gained a reputation for being of a troublesome and war nature no doubt but what this characteristic of the tribe has been more fully developed by received |