Show fotr weekly avor thin ibis story of out our youth thus wo we received from a the ilo following incoherent no count bounto of a antl ellich was relight to ia ilia bin neighborhood some way or other wo no uru area half bait in tile alio link dark about this tb of me duel iu in question quo tion lat but wo we ahall leavo ilia alio deci decision siou to our read crO A ancl was wan lately fought la in tex texada a a by alexander shaft unit anil jolin john H S no isott nott wua was shot und blixtt was not in ID this cost it is better to bo be sh shott ott than nott there wax was a rumor ramor that nott noll waa res oot dot buot and that bo be ahat nott not w aich proves either th utilio ibo ahot abot at nott win sect bot shot eliot ur or that null win wart bleat notwithstanding evidence is dot luy always good it maybe may ba mailo made to apponi on trial hat the baiot ahot shott shot eliot shot eliot A stott ott or oil ax accidents with firo firearms arms ato ir ire a quent quant it may issay bo be possible io amblo tint that the be ell abot lot bbott bot baiot baiot shutt him soll when the ibo whole affair woold resel vii itself into its ils original lo anil and lybolt bo be blaut and noll would be not at wo think however that the abo shot eliot blixtt shot shot ahot not shott but nott anyway it IL is ia hard to tell who was waa elot |