Show 11 u ij by a tit rea d wb abon on I 1 VA was a boy I 1 lived in the ifa itlo ot of alan an island inland chi fly known to lo strangers as being the ilia homo home of tailless lail jogs cats our oar isonio alood half a milo mile from the shore choso whoso bold steep olitte cliffa were my boyish delight boil ami on which I 1 performed many wonderful feats of climb bog lot bat tuero there was ru a certain rocky promontory called the ibo 1 devila Ue vila jump and if he bo ever dij did leap from the top of fc the high cleel rook it must have liuio won straight into the lulling boiling aca ca beneath Louca lb and an on this ibis rock I 1 was strict ly if forbidden to a climb in rough weather or even ut at high bigl tide the tha great waves iB dubbed liol up III the 0 faco of the precipices frightening tho the sea gulls gulla froli their deals unil and them inland in their heir usual melancholy filiau fI liou I 1 rity fity abo boy does not know the pleas of ing for sea gulls egra eggs it ism ia a pleasure doubly de dc because of a certain spice of danger which necessarily clivord any slippery rocks my hither father wits wn glad to ke see no IDO early develop a table lor for climbing but forbade st strictly any attempt upon tho the daviid jump remember bo be said you must r betor go thero there uness yon yoa have a nian man I 1 r j bu 6 be got I 1 at t by it the czip adl aft 0 ves pcb of course I 1 assents assented 1 act et loping to try it as aa boon as 8 1 I could persuade some como good climber to accompany company oc mo me time passed and no co opportunity turned up I 1 almost forgot that there nas as a rock I 1 might not explore till gillono ono ily day during my easter a schoolfellow arrived armed to spend a week with willi me file hugh portal WM was the hero bero of our MAO manx college lit iio was fir girnt strato ralo at cricket nod and had bad won prizes at our athletic sports aporte moreover le bo wa waa tiou danahy ally bt at the top of ln lis claes so ill aliat 11 t via no envied and admired him alter cutely I 1 ung A ike not dot a little pleased thero foro to 1 how off my climbing to to portal polls ocil evil bad Is A tj the secret satisfaction ot of bynog I 1 was wu moro more at rock clau lo bo has ever he bo would oot dot be beatea nod from sheer delerm leation coon boon became on an climber UDO ono day towards ilia close of ilia bis visit roy fattier albar WM was obliged to drive on en business Loni DeBS across the island to douglass and before lo bo told ats u to keep oat of find to try anti enjoy ourselves in his bie absence I 1 say ay iy christian said portal oi o laso a regular long day on oa the rocks rud got get LU lie oud or of gulls eggs all ail right lets let go and got some grabs grab I 1 cried rushion to tile housekeepers room hero I 1 packed a small email basket fall nil good things on my return rt taru portal was waa to bo be been but bat boon re carr carrying J ing homo home iron blaik n und ailia it n colt coil of ropo rope whatever er its ia that for I 1 cried tto sea ally T como along 1 but bat abat bat A aa my burl r isto w oil we rOuel rouelle ld tin the to eco my m T friend turu turn his bia fice face towards dwarda the 1 dovile jump portal Port dl hero ort are going why to explore bondor rook rock of conrao weve dolls nil all the others worth doida besides the ann is like a null bull loud there cant bo be any today to day indeed wo we mattat go father as said id ever tie BO loog long ago I 1 muot to go unless I 1 bad a regular chibber mith me well nod and so BO you baio 0 I 1 bunt bout you yesterday I 1 tire ica more bare there cant bo be addono ally one about here bore that could do bolter better abc I 1 yon are funky I 1 crima oD for ibis wits waa hard bard to lear bear A week ago I 1 lad fancied that tow few could beat me die no right to say bay that then feeling fi and yielding og to the knowing all tile time that I 1 diab ab doing wrong I 1 added but of course you aro are first rate at cli tabing though I 1 ilont dont believe you can beat me father I 1 st appose only cleant to forbid my illy coming bet bero 0 ahau I 1 was wan 3 oubrey nod find lut climb so BO moll as 1 I cao can DOW lint bat how bow are ro wo we to hanape to get doffo or ii up dp again either we acro tile top lot of tile the cliff and MO could SOO beo LUD dreda of gulls wheeling round their why dont 3 on see I 1 bavo love brought bron glit ld nil we want v ant I 1 know all ail about it bu be cause I 1 rend read it lu in a look book here hold bold this ibis you see 1 I love have won acea tor butI but I 1 dIdt tell yon for feild ot of I a luro bip P 1 I 1 laughed a little but I 1 lell felt quite un eally cosy u hilot wu we settled nettled on oa a gool good blaco so 10 mako make the descent portal now DOW began hla iia drove two tiro iron bars ioto into the ground then lasteL led on oil it a orosa cross br bar which hold bold a pulley next wo 0 adjusted the be rope to its groove now wo we must und find a V good flat piece of wood for the seat neat yon rna ran to that col tago bod find something that will do I 1 flioy oli oy though the bo cottage woi was A good way w RY off and not a matter of 0 11 just nl running my search was ras however howe vur the abo piece picco of wo wood kl was to currly fastened to the ropo rope and now all appeared ready for the descent of 0 us no is going firma sa am la bottai 1 perhaps it bail bad loiter better be Y you 00 at as I 1 can best manage the letting down you must tale your pole pale to help you and see eco hero is ia my norwegian idine ill as short im as a 0 sword it may bo be useful to cut a footing 9 if wanted all I 1 know ill 11 about that I 1 said not quite liking BI all liia ilia instructions I 1 dont mind owning it now though not for the world iru would I 1 lave have dono done so BO iben 1 I felt anything but cheerful my nerves usually strong now cow folt felt a little unstrung perhaps the of tuy my disobedience was vw the cause canki roy low how I 1 delayed a little before plunging ial into the depoli below and now the moment was come the crom bir was 9 pashon latt abt over ill alio edge of the ibo clio I 1 grasped the bors rope 0 at adi id ht ent ilon on U abit piece of wood rood V on which my life tie is mallol wait B u minn minni tol cried for I 1 was na still mill clia cli glog to firm ground 1 I am afraid one fellow cant hold this ibis mind M indiana laes alone luckily Lack ily there is ia jim boll do to hold bom jim wm wag called and was waa only too de ia lighted to 0 liti bell in the bo adventure cor car thinly I 1 matt doubt may I 1 felt safer r who a there were two it at ilia rope roie us its they bo be 9 gan an to lower loer the windlass slowly an tand 1 I steadily I 1 was lot let down and found in ajr y self keif haggiag sky rad ni sea I 1 must most it ecru ere mention that two lad beon sob tied lied above and thrown over tho the rock II if I 1 pulled the one I 1 was to bo a lowered the ollor was wai a signal lor for drawing me do up 1 after fathom the tha rope ran out till at loot last I 1 regained my strength Etro of nerve anti anil begun began to fool feel proud 0 of my adventures promising myself to in inako d ko portal try the experiment when I 1 en me up again to the surface eur tace I 1 vow DOW used my eyes boyc 10 lo look out for 10 tile lo gulls deals koun I 1 gave t be signal to igop letting out the ibo rope and ilij planting my pole i olo well among the cran dios I 1 found what I 1 wanted wao leil such bostal nuj and loir how the birds screamed and flattered at the abo unexpected visitors vi ailor w hilwit I 1 lau glied alond aloi ill I 1 suddenly just head beadi 1 I aspired a lovely nest I 1 pulled my tiring strings aoa I 1 was wound up op a little again I 1 secured ciral Cir cl a fooling loo liag but on such a narrow barrow leago that I 1 bail great difficulty in clinging to it Oaly lono of my bans was waa with the other I 1 ilia ropo rope at this moment I 1 remembered my mj large knife I 1 drow it out and scraped at the rock trying to scoop echop out it a hill little a holes bolo but I 1 could not succeeds ence add got impatient I 1 raised my hand above toy my leads bead moaning to bring down ill abo Norn norwegian egian knife with willi increased power on the rook rock when ubon I 1 hornok i tr evv was wan suspended unil and I 1 saw nw in ID a momet moment t that I 1 hail had cat it yes yen out cut it all but a single strand of its thickness my mind happily did not dot lose it power of thought I 1 pulled lustily at tile signal string but thou I 1 noticed arid and the ilo eight turned me siok sick that the whole rope was as beginning to in it a moment or two it broke I 1 frauli cully clung to the oller half haf of ilia rope the men above knew that something was wrong rong and pulled too mo up dp as aa ral rapiel dlly as their won allow it was a race itco for life oh phoso momodu of I 1 can them but I 1 shall to member them alom to my J J aug day all my life 11 coined suddenly m spread out bobora roe ibis lays once especially presented ted itself iu ltd its true rno colors hut but dearer aud nearer came the edge cige of lila alio cliff weaker and weaker crew my hold ou on the rope rok fur fear had bail weakened mo me just as it seemed its ii if I 1 could boli old on oa no long louger r 1 I fult felt myself in gentle manner by four oar strong arms bud literally dragged dragge dou ou to solid curla alter this I 1 remember nothing but loot buying or thinking thank dodl I 1 was unconscious for hours boura so abil th abr 13 i wm was followed by it 11 brain fever ever hut bot at labat I 1 reco recovered aej a ad wolf well do I 1 remember tho day w hiiva lien I 1 I 1 fielt my father anil and wit waa T able to make it full fall conle of my lay Y Camp campanion alion |